Ordinary People Might get to own a fondle slab?
Your kidding right, most people own an iPhone in some shape or form. Most of us are normal people, what are you on? Only the super rich are allowed Apple products?
Apple fans may have to wait till next year before they can junk their iPhone 4s in favour of iPhone the Fifth. Analyst firm Avian Securities said that production of the iPhone 5 won't begin till September, meaning a holiday launch at the earliest, or even a New Year's debut. The note, reported in Business Insider, is based on …
At 8 billion people in the world, I don't think "most of us" have an iOS Device.
If however you mean the population of El Reg, you may also be incorrect. Reading the forthcoming responses on the comments section to this article prove that.
Anyway, this was a bit of smugness from the writer here. Let's leave that to the Apple users.
/runs for the *Troll Defence League* (/b/)/
Got my iPhone 4 last year, with a 24 month contract and was considering flogging it to Mazuma / Envirophone / etc. to get the latest slidy aluminiumness! Then I realised that I really was an Apple whote and thought it best to wait until next year!
Crossing fingers for a big screen though. Buddy of mine has a HTC somethingorother with a bigger screen that the iPhone and it looks awesome!
Just not one with an expensive Apple logo. Since over 5 years ago, phones doing Internet, mp3s, 3G and apps (and video recording/calling/playback, btw) became cheap and bog standard. It's the Iphone that had to do catchup on many of these basic features.
It is true that some Iphone users wave it around as a status symbol, it's like the Adidas of phones; personally I prefer clothes (and phones) without a big logo on them.
I was once in the pub, and two strangers interrupted a conversation on phones I was having, to say in a snooty voice "Oh, we've got Iphones. Look at how shiny and sexy it is. We don't care about open source operating systems". I mean, what the hell?
"Oh, we've got Iphones. Look at how shiny and sexy it is. We don't care about open source operating systems"
That strange, if they don't care about open source, you should ask them why not use Windows Mobile...after all any iCraps device is running version of Free BSD?
"I was once in the pub, and two strangers interrupted a conversation on phones I was having, to say in a snooty voice "Oh, we've got Iphones. Look at how shiny and sexy it is"
This barely makes sense - "two strangers interrupted a conversation on phones I was having" - you mean you were having a phone conversation on more than one phone and two strangers tapped you on the shoulder to interrupt you and then say 'Oh, we've got Iphones. Look at how shiny and sexy it is'?
I don't believe any of this.
6.8 billion roughly.
I was expecting an Iphone 4 G(S) follow-on type product with most of the hardware design flaws of the Iphone 4 engineered out. I'm not having an Iphone 4, but I'll take a close look at any updated versions (assuming that they tuck the Hi-Z ends of the monopole antennas inside the case this time).
This post has been deleted by its author
To tell the truth, I'd have to say the reason why the "normal people" don't have iPhones isn't because of the cost of the iPhone itself. On a plan, it's $199... or $49 around here if you want a 3GS. (That's the "Cheap" phone already, last year's model. No need for another one. ) The big price is the on going service charge of internet and text messages. On AT&T it means, take your normal plan and add $30+ a month to it. (For the cheap setup, the one I've got is $30 (unlimited net) +$20 (unlimited text), luckily my company reimburses me for it). $30 * 24 months (2 year contract) is $720! and the one I've got is $1200!
Thing is, this is basically the standard AT&T pricing. Verizon's isn't much different. Doesn't matter what smart phone you get, you're going to be dropping a lot of money either way, and not for the phone.
"speak for yourself American - you guys have always had high prices. For the rest of the world the iPhone is fucking expensive."
I was going to get an MP3 player,
My phone was a Samsung D900, the contract on O2 was up so I looked at an iPhone 3G. For the same price as the MP3 player, £100, I bought an iPhone. The ongoing contract subscription was the same price, £35.
I sold the iPhone 3G for the same as I paid up front to acquire it.
I bought the iPhone 4 with the cash I got back.
Expensive.... nope....
I've used almost all the "Internet phones" since the Motorola Timeport 260, the first GPRS phone, and I can safely say either the web was rubbish or they were massive bricks. That goes for for all of them until the iPhone came out in 2007 with a proper browser in a nice form factor.
That's were you got your original comment wrong.
"I was once in the pub, and two strangers interrupted a conversation on phones I was having, to say in a snooty voice "Oh, we've got Iphones. Look at how shiny and sexy it is. We don't care about open source operating systems". I mean, what the hell?"
sounds made up to me. Or your going to some really bad bars.
Apple has released new iPods every September or October since 2003. Given that this is a good time of year for a major product announcement, and given also that the iPod as a product category is in seemingly terminal decline, it makes perfect sense for Apple to move one of its other product announcements to later in the year. So a September or October iPhone 5 makes perfect sense. I doubt it will be that major a redesign, but it can't be hard to give the iPhone a faster CPU and GPU, nicer cameras, and a bit of a cosmetic redesign. Give it much more than a year between revisions, though, and people will stop buying it, so I really can't see a delay until next year.
iPhones are pretty common and definitely in the hands of the great unwashed masses - a bit like BMWs.
One time I was a passenger on a trip down the M40, I counted all the BMWs and worked out that on the motorway you see, on average, one BMW every 10 seconds.
Which seems about the same as iPhone incidence. They really can hardly be described as a status symbol when the student sitting next to you has one and so does the ticket inspector.
The implication is that the iPhone 5 will be launched about the same time as the first Nokiasoft phones. I can already see the postings we are likely to get. This is going to be fun, the blogosphere here at ElReg is likely to get fairly "fraught".
Microsoft will have a Nokiasoft phone on sale to the public before well on to next year. I'll even eat my hat if they do (and if so watching ensuing marketplace disaster would be worth swallowing it down)
I think MS's strategy for Nokia is to get them onboard for WP8. WP7 seems more and and more to have just been launched to patch this massive gap in their product range while they work on the real thing.
I said absolutely *nothing* explicit or implicit about the likely merits or demerits of *either* the iPhone 5 *or* the first of the Nokiasoft phones. My posting in that respect was *wholly neutral*. I posted saying that *IF* these possible dates were anywhere near real then the atmosphere here on the threads at El Reg would be somewhat predictable. Lo and behold, you reply to my posting insisting that in the unlikely event that any Nokiasoft phones are launched in that period they will be a disaster and we see many other postings of the same general type (both pro and anti apple, and of the usual "high intellectual" standard). It is downright amusing to see my little prediction confirmed in spades so quickly. I should get into the analyst business, judging by this I could scarcely do any worse than the likes of Gartner et al.
i wouldnt touch anything apple if you paid me. in-fact, even if i won an iphone i would sell it to some poor unsuspecting ebayer.
i see apple as 'computers for dummies' with their one handed ipad machines, the most horrendous music manager (itunes), no right clicks (macs) and a phone which farts. i can see why so many people are wrapped up with it all, no, really...!
No need to run any type of survey or poll:
Just wait a while and they **will** slip it into a conversation at some point.
On the topic of whether analysts can divine anything about Apple product launches?
I doubt it, given the tight legal bindings Apple place on their suppliers.
You'd have about just as much success using animal entrails or seaweed.
Suits me, I am still in contract. I have owned a sea of Android, Nokia and HTC WinMo phones in the past, and the iPhone+iOS still beats the lot of them. I currently have a Samsung Galaxy Tab, and Android 2.2 on the GT feels oh-so clunky compared to iOS4.3 on the iPhone4.
Apples greatest strength, and what will keep me buying Apple's phones is firmware updates to the latest and greatest iOS running on my existing phone. The 2-year old iPhone3Gs will run the recentely released iOS4.3 officially without my having to resort to XDA-Dev to obtain a hacked together rom. Typically, updates for Android devices are delayed for ages after google releases the code and the vendor (especially Samsung) then decides that it cannot be bothered to make said update available to customers. There are Android phones out there that have only been on the market for 3 months that will get no updates. Frankly, its criminal.
Google needs to standardise the whole phone-updating thing so that it can push updates to users its-self rather than relying on lazy carriers and device manufacturers to do it. Until Android devices get a decent updating system controlled by google rather than Vodafone/HTC I will not consider Android devices to be a worthy alternative to iOS devices.