Simple Really
Regardless of what hidden agendas our Chocolate Mountain friends may have, they offer a bloody good product
* It's free for the end user.
* It's fast.
* It's multi platform ( OK it's the web but you know what I mean).
* The results arent too bad, usually.
* There's not too much rubbish on each page ( you don't even see the advertising).
* Search filters work.
* It's customisable.
* Granny can use it without calling up the helpdesk cave dwellers.
* There's a load of extra goodies ( translation, maps, video etc).
* It doesn't tie us down to any one browser..
And the list goes on.
Google also have the advantage that this is their baby, for MS this is only one of a multitude of projects. MS just don't have the same drive.......
On top of that , where I am from ( Scotland) - Bing = a slag heap. Now why would I want to search through a slag heap ?
If someone wants to contend with Google they are going to have to develop a whole new paradigm in the way they we interact with the web. Not an easy task........
MS have ran out of ideas,
Google keep pumping them out, not all of them are good but they are always free.. ( Anyone remember Google Wave).
The next evolution : Tying our brain waves into the web, thinking about something and then having the results directly returned into our memories. We will become the cloud...... Scary bloody thought.