Pedantic note.
Would you please stop referring to anyone this monumentally stupid and barking mad as a "Mastermind"?
It reflects badly on all of us. Thanks.
Albert Gonzalez, mastermind of the infamous TJ Maxx hack, has sought to get a judge to set aside his earlier guilty plea and conviction in the case by arguing he carried out the hack while working as a paid government informant. Gonzalez, 29, who escaped jail time back in 2004 over his involvement in the sale of 1.5 million …
So, Gonzalez wants to withdraw his guilty plea and go to trial. I say, LET HIM.
Let him waste the courts time with his `defense`. Once he is found guilty at trial, he should be sentenced to the max for each count to be served consecutively!!!
To paraphrase `Dirty Harry`: "Feeling lucky, PUNK!!!"