The Network Extenders in Verizon...
From some of the comments, you appear to be talking about something cruder than the Verizon Network Extender. I cannot be sure, though.
I have one of the Network Extenders in my house. It certainly improves in-house communication for both voice and 3G (only the newer ones do the 3G). It DOES report its position, using its GPS device. Verizon can vary the power output.
I can control which-Verizon-customers routinely use it (I don't do that now). Verizon advises that, if someone dials 911 (emergency), they might jack up the power on my Network Extender to handle the call. The 911-user does not have to be on my control-list, either.
Any user can dial #48 to find out if they are going through a network extender. They can then go-around the network-extender, if they like.
Like the other comment, It appears to give about 100 feet of coverage. I paid a one-time charge for the device, there is no monthly component. Verizon DOES NOT give a break for data-time through the device. If you are limited to x minutes, you could certainly exhaust all of that time through the extender. It also uses my cable-modem, so it competes for bandwidth with Netflix, computer, cable-phone and any other usage of the resource.