And here comes the Age of the Mechs
With hundreds of thousands of troops deployed around the world by us Westerners, the chances are that- as with almost everything awesome- it will be the military will be driving us towards having many more cyborgs in our world.
The next 10 years should be an interesting time. We'll have down-and-out Iraq veterans on the streets of America begging for AA batteries, drives to push for a standard pinout for limbs (leading to the mass production of artificial limbs- the 'singularity point' for mechanical arms going from niche to accepted), Apple arms that are skinny and all chrome, Sony limbs with implanted GPS user-tracking and accelerometers to stop their limbs being used for anything unsavoury, the ability to download 'muscle memory' from one person to another, etc.
Not to mention the massive legal battles over, for example, whether someone should be allowed to drive in case they short out- and even more fundamental things like "do they class as disabled if they're more able for a lot of the time"?
Also look out for criminals stealing limbs to commit crimes with, a huge Daily Mail outcry of "oh, the inhumanity", major religious problems as people try to figure out where your soul is (not to mention the philosophical question of "if you've gradually replaced every part of your body, is it still you?"), and the development of wireless links for these limbs providing the ability to sit at home plugged into a computer while an 'avatar' (controlled as individual limbs by your own brain) does the real world stuff for you. Or even multiple avatars from the same person.
Then you've got hacking of the wireless links for remote torture or 'Wrong Trousers' style remote-controlling of a person to get them to commit criminal acts.
Next 10 years- an interesting time.