It is astounding
They already have a OS monopoly which they used to great effect to create a browser monopoly by illegally bundling their browser with their monopoly OS.
This worked a treat for many years. In true monopolist fashion MS then declared that they had won the browser wars and would no longer invest in improving the technology. The execrable IE6 was deemed to be the pinnacle of browser tech.
Yes, IE6.
Things stagnated for years, web developers got lazy and started *requiring* IE6 and MS very nearly got a monopoly on the Internet.
Fortunately Firefox came along and the world dodged a bullet. More and more people started *deliberately* installing FF just to get away from that piece of excrement from Redmond. Other browsers came along, web devs were forced out of their lethargy and had to begin following web standards again.
Due to the continued illegal bundling of IE however, Microsofts browser still has the majority of market share although that is slowly being whittled down by those annoying people who continue to *choose* an alternate browser *despite* having IE illegally pre-installed on their OS.
Meanwhile, google revolutionised internet search while MS wasn't looking.
Microsoft decide they need to own that market too and start their own search engine. They then use their existing OS monopoly as well as their majority share of the browser market to push their new search engine.
All computers now come set by default to use Microsoft search.
Despite this illegal market leverage, people *still* prefer to use google search and make the deliberate decision to reconfigure the default search on their computers to Google.
Despite all their best efforts at leveraging their existing dominance in two markets to push people towards other MS products people *insist* on exercising their right to *choice* and reconfigure their PC's to Google.
It must be infuriating to the control freaks at MS.
Why can't people just wallow in their lethargy and do as they are told! It's just not FAIR!
So, in their twisted little minds they reason that Google must be doing something *illegal* in order to make all these simpletons use Google instead of Bing. Some sort of mind control, or perhaps tampering with the water supply.
It doesn't matter what it is, the only solution is to sue Google so that we can get back to the normal situation where MS decides what everyone can and can't use and makes them pay for MS products whether they want to or not.