Is this even legal?
Forgetting prices for a minute, can you really buy an unopened console and then sell it on as "Pre-owned"? The pre-owned badge suggests that you should be getting a bargain as it's used.
You could even simplify pre-owned down to something as simple as a staff member of Game stands in front of his work mate at the Game till, tells him that he wants to buy 20 3DS, hands a Game store account credit card over, buys the consoles then asks straight away for a refund.
Ta Da! Now the Game store can advertise the item as "Preowned" and make customers think that they may be getting a bargain.
If the customers are buying from Game don't bother to check the price first in Tescos then Game's plan has worked and the customer is an idiot.
Yep, it's not about the price it's getting the "Preowned" badge on the product and I'm sure trading standards will be in touch with them very soon.