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Ronald Reagan appears to have been an oracle: Vid kids controling aircraft of the future. How is this different than a console game? From the controler's POV, there is no difference.
How tempting will it be in the future to go fling a little 'bang' on some annoying geo-political bother, when there's no risk of bodies coming home in boxes?
Clinton loved to toss about cruise missiles at random, and so does, aparantly, Obama. Bush, at least, was willing to risk body counts, even if he was a jerk.
Grenade, 'cause that's what the future will bring us.
*BTW: The original autonomous killer robot is the auto-mobile torpedo - In their most basic form, they've been killing meat bags since the 1870s. In the 1940s, they gained the ability to seek and terminate their own victims (including, occasionally, the very boat that launched them).