Not for ARMv6
Not that they mention it unless you go digging, but it won't work with the majority of android handsets.
Mozilla has officially released its Android incarnation of Firefox 4. And for those of you who still care about such things, the open source outfit has also released a version for Maemo. The Androidian browser is available from Google's Android Market, while the Maemo version can be downloaded from Mozilla. Firefox 4 for …
One user complained that there is no Flash support in this. I haven't tested it yet. But, I hope there is a way to DISABLE flash at will or for specified sites. I just want the damned text and static pics or clickable pic, not whirlies, twirlies, and crap "art" that drains my battery.
Not sure if I'm being thick, but I can't seem to find it on the Market. I've searched for Firefox, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox for Android, and aprt from a load of bookmark managers, etc, nothing comes up. Any ideas?
I do use Opera Mobile on my HTC Aria, very nice, though the built-in WebKit browser is just fine (if a bit slow sometimes). Just interested to see what FF on Android is like.
OK, so I was on the beta repository, and the RC and final version are obviously somewhere else. Soooo, here we go.
1) Head over to Press the big shiny button on the right. This will fire up the app manager to install Firefox.
2) Get annoyed as the app manager tells you that Fennec is already installed, you beta testing scum.
3) Delete the beta and final repositories in your app manager.
4) Go back to the mobile site and try again.
5) The app manager will again tell you Fennec is already installed.
6) Decide to run the bloody update yourself. Drop to a root console and run apt-get update.
7) Read the GPG key error for
8) Go looking for the missing GPG key. Realise that it isn't on the Mozilla website.
9) Smash your head repeatedly off the nearest desk.
10) Run these commands to get the key from
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys FF445C24
gpg --armor --export FF445C24 | apt-key add -
11) Run apt-get update again. Read the error message about conflicting distributions.
12) Slit your wrists.
Nice upgrade path, Mozzy! Here's me hoping that since beta 13 you've actually made the browser move faster than a glacier, and I can't upgrade to see it! What's annoying is that Fennec is really, really good. Been using it as my primary browser on Android for ages.
Rant over, one quick laugh from the article.
"Mozilla claims that the browser's startup time is about three times faster than Android's native WebKit-based browser." Just no. Unless you're counting the system's boot time, in which case yes, but what's your point?
1) Head over to Press the big shiny button on the right. This will fire up the app manager to install Firefox.
2) Get annoyed as the app manager tells you that Fennec is already installed, you beta testing scum.
3) Uninstall the beta and the beta repository, but keep the one that's just been added called "Mozilla Multi Catalog".
4) Repeat 1) This has given me "Firefox 1.1" which I presume is the full version. It also seems to have remembered all my add-ons and settings from the beta.
I'm intrigued by the add-on that claims to fetch the low-resolution version of Flash video, because this might enable me to finally use BBC iPlayer. However, without an actual Flash add-on, I'm not sure what this achieves.
Yeh, I only noticed Adblock Plus after sitting down for lunch and following in the browser what CNN was saying on the inautible flat screen tv.
I was THRILLED to see that. I don't mind a FEW ads, but I am sick of being bomBARDED by too many. Mainly, I have a deep disdain for overly active, whirly, twirly adverts the drag one eye away from reading. The brain has to compensate when the left eye is fixated on reading text.
Just like Flash, Google earth etc, unless you have an ARM7 processor (the hugely popular ZTE Blade/Orange San Francisco are ARM6) then it won't work.
This is why it isn't in the app market if you don't have an Arm7 device.
There is an unstable arm6 Fennec available but isn't working and they tell you that it's basically not even a good idea to try.
Nice one Mozilla.
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