Celebutard? I always thought it was "celebretard"... Though I suppose either way it gets the desired point across.
Paris, obviously!
Bespeckled thespiatrix Lindsay Lohan has dealt a serious blow to the El Reg space paper plane bureau by announcing she's going to drop the "Lohan" and emerge as just "Lindsay". According to her mum Dina, there are two reasons for the rebrand: first up, loads of megacelebs like Oprah and Beyonce thrive on a first-name-only …
"I think the idea behind celebutard is to combine celebrity, debutante, and retard (a "word" I eschew)."
Indeed. Retard isn't AFAIK a noun and shouldn't be used as such, unless you happen to be a septic in which case it seems to be acceptable to use a nound as a verb or a verb as a noun or probably an adjective as either.
I seem to recall a Calvin and Hobbes strip where Calvin declares his liking for "verbing words". Hobbes replies that maybe one day they will be able to make language a complete impediment to understanding.
I was too slow and you beat me to typing just what I was thinking.
If this wasn't in the PARIS section I would have been very keen to point out that it isn't IT related (I never thought I would be saying that) and more importantly, that no one really cares what the useless, talentless and Z listed American chav does with her drug / alcohol addled life.
A lot of the other suggestions so far such as Keira Knightley, Natalie Portman, Anna Chapman, etc don't really have the right ingredients for "celebutard" status as I understand it.
For a viable candidate, we need:
* A colossal ego
* A lack of intelligence, or pretence thereof
* Regular newspaper articles detailing their latest screw-up or hissy fit
Possible others include:
* Being female (if we want to keep the PARIS, LOHAN, ?? theme running)
* An IT angle would be beneficial (the infamous Youtube video for Miss Hilton and the Blackberry incident would qualify Miss Campbell - couldn't really say for the former Miss Lohan)
To be fair Beyonce isn't too common a name. Although it's become more common now with all the chavs calling their kids Beyonce Chardonay Memphis Smith. I certainly can't think of another famous Beyonce so I can't see Beyonce being confused with anybody else.
There are, however, other Lindsays about, some of them male. So when miss Lohan announces herself as just Lindsay there's a good chance people may be expecting somebody else.