back to article Apple iPad 2 demo'd on camera

Can't see the video? Download Flash Player from Now on sale in the UK, this video runs through the new design and shows off the improved responsiveness of Apple's iPad 2. You can read our review of the iPad 2 Wi-Fi here. ®


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  1. Stewart Knight

    I can't see!


    A video about the iPad, that can't be viewed on the iPad....

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    How ironic

    The video uses Flash, which isn't supported on iPad :P

    Before anyone accuses me of bashing Apple, I'm a satisfied iPad 1 owner.

    1. SuccessCase

      Though I just watched it on my iPad 1

      Which demonstrates just how little you need flash now. And now http live streaming has been adopted by Android and Windows, soon I doubt such videos will be presented using flash even if you are viewing the page on a PC.

  3. Anonymous Coward


    if its not bad enough that i have to see advert after advert for a the fondle slab telling me how wonderful it is, i now have to watch a damn video of someone fondling said slab...

    I would be more interested to see a video of it receiving a photograph or a video someone took on a non (cr)apple product via bluetooth... or someone showing off its new USB port or memory card slot !

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Gates Halo

      He watches the video

      But he doesn't see the video.

      He is seeking only the confirmation of his own prejudices and finds said confirmation only through a tired old desire for complexity few people need or want in their lives.

    2. Anonymous Coward

      Oh FFS

      Why oh why are you on this page then? Surely the title gave away what was here... and before you brand me a fanboi... the only Mac I own is a first gen Mac Mini.

      Gee... read the title (and if you don't understand that the second line too) first fella.

  4. Robbie
    Thumb Up

    Video plays fine on my iPad

    ... using HTML5. I guess they updated it?

  5. Jason Pugh


    Re: "How Ironic", "Can't be watched on iPad"

    Huh? Since when has it not been possible to watch YouTube clips on an iOS device?

    1. jonathanb Silver badge

      Re: Confused

      Some YouTube clips are only available in Flash format, and those can't be watched on an iOS device. Examples include most commercial content, such as anything on the 4oD and Demand Five channels.

  6. Nathan Margason

    Video Plays Fine on iPad and iPhone

    @AC1 and Stew Knight: The video plays fine on iOS devices. Just tapped of the video and it opened and played without a hitch. YouTube uses flash on the desktop but also plays nice without it.

    @AC2: Why exactly did you *have* to watch this video. It's easy to not read articles, watch videos, or comment of subjects that are of not interest to you. Do you read / watch everything you come across on the net? Which I had that much free time!

  7. Jeff Clarke

    What's going on?

    I have just looked at this ipad2 video on my spanking new ipad2, and the video works fine. It is recognised and is just played as an embedded you tube vid just like on the pc. So, ipad1 people, what's going on with yours? Is this a major difference between the two?

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Nothing going on

      It plays fine on any iOS device, Youtube always has.

      Being Friday night I guess some of El Reg's fine commenters were a bit intoxicated.

    2. SuccessCase


      The original poster was probably looking at the article at his PC, where the video will default to flash. Plays fine on all iPads.

  8. h 6


    Video plays fine for me too.

    - sent from my elitist first version tablet.

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