I saw no reason for a tablet but ...
Like others I have a smartphone, a Desire which replaced a G1, and I use Linux at home, save for my games PC.
I would have been intrigued by a Linux or Android tablet that could be hooked up to a keyboard, but the 2.2 or earlier tablets won't cut it, and the only Linux one I could fins was from an Italian company or a German company and would work up pricier than an iPad.
I loathe the lock-in and cultish nature of Apple users, but my Laptop had a burned out screen and would always burn out its screen since it dumped the head from the Graphics card into the screen.
Result, I got a cheap iPad before the iPad2 came out. Yes it is restrictive and hard to expand, but it serves the main use I put my laptop to, web, email, films and writing.
Not son good for downloading ISOs from the MSDN site, or downloading from iPlayer, and I do miss Flash, but as a text entry thing for stories and articles it proves wonderful, and handier than a laptop.
If the Asus EEE Note could do handwriting recognition, or of the Reg had published the pre release info for the EEE Slider a week earlier then I could have resisted, but now I have a fondleslab I definitely have a use for it
And that is what we, as IT hacks are supposed tontell the punters, only get one if you have a use, otherwise don't