What the . . .
What language is that alert graphic in?
For only the second time in 19 months, Apple has updated the signatures used to protect Mac users against malware attacks. An update released Monday for Mac OS X 10.6, aka, Snow Leopard, adds detection for a trojan known as OSX.OpinionSpy. The malware comes bundled with Mac screensavers and applications available on various …
Since we've moved to the nitpicking realm, I'd say "known" does not mean "universally known". A British Froobology expert could say "I have discovered 113 Froobies and my guess is that Cuban and Chinese know of similar quantities, so the number of known Froobies is probably in the hundreds." He can't know if the Cubans and Chinese have discovered as many, or whether they are disctinct from his. He does know Cubans and Chinese are good at Froobology but they just don't share their findings.
I see what you're saying, too many wishy-washies in the sentence, and in the area of malware "known" does in practice equate with "universally known".
The number of known malware applications is... er... not mentioned
The number of probable malware is... er... a wild guess
The number of known probables is exactly the the same as the known unknowns which is inversely proportional to the unknown unknowns.
I'll get the coat with the known amount of sleeves. I can find the door myself.