I'm 12 years old and what is this?
Forbes has bagged an interview with the "teenage girl" who supposedly played a key role in hacking security firm HBGary on behalf of Anonymous. HBGary Federal earned the enmity of the loosely knit hacker collective by threatening to expose its membership at the B-Sides security conference last month. The security consultancy …
What's the point of using an SD card, other than it being a bit easier to hide? I'd think to be leet[0] she'd use Live CDs.
[0] I use that word to demonstrate how un-leet I am.
Paris, because I'm trying to make some tenuous joke so the people on the internet think I'm cool, interesting, and/or funny.
fall girl for the father? If caught she is unlikely to do time and he would be guaranteed to do time.
I kinda wonder about the comment the father knows but does nothing about it, as a father should he not be keeping his daughter away from organized criminals?
I also wondered this of the Montreal kid that took down CNN, etc. His father would have done time, but the kid got a slap on the wrist after claiming responsibility.
If she is caught she should have to prove she did it, otherwise they look at the father, family, older friends, etc.
Why do write "Teenage girl" like that? You seem as dubious as Forbes is about the age or gender of the individual concern. Of course there's no way they can be that young, or heaven forbid, a girl! Way to go with the misogyny.
I would like to point out that I was 13 when I learnt to program and was hacking not long after. This was the end of the 70s and early 80s. If you read Bruce Sterling's Hacker Crackdown (the book about Operation Sundevil from the very early 90s) you'll see there were also teenage female hackers then.
There have always been teenage female hackers.
You fail!
Ms Cyberspice
Ms Cyberspice is correct, there are plenty of pimply teenage girls, just as lacking in social skills as male skiddies, looking for a sense of self-worth through a bit of mindless internet vandalism....
Of course, the fact the Xyrix is a well-known braggart and attention-seeker also makes it likely that he's just claiming kudos for the hack when he probably had nothing to do with it.
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...whose representative demographic incorporates the entire world's Justin Bieber fanbase. And I revile anyone who hero-worships a bunch of script kiddies who couldn't spell their own names if their lives depended on it.
When did we all decide that criminal acts are cool as long as some authority figure is embarrassed by it? All you Anonymous supporters...keep in mind who your heroes are when they steal your identity and credit records in order to fund their "fight against evil."
Unless you have proof that Anon hackers are related to 419s stfu. gtfo and diaf kthnx bai (and other such 4 letter words).
Saying that, you do get points for giving me a nice mental image of Dade Murphey (ask your nerdy parents kids) sitting in his shades listening to Justin Bieber while he hacks.
Morpho Devilpepper, "When did we all decide that criminal acts are cool as long as some authority figure is embarrassed by it"
When did you decide Morpho Devilpepper, that some authority figure cannot be a criminal, because many people do believe acts to expose them are justified. (Also authority figures by definition are the people who choose what to label as a criminal act and history is full of examples of crooked authority figures who use their power for their own gain, including trying to stop people exposing them as crooked).
Morpho Devilpepper, "a bunch of script kiddies who couldn't spell their own names if their lives depended on it"
Strange how you wish to imply they are stupid (i.e. can't spell their own names), yet very evidently they are smart enough to be a hacker. The evidence weighs heavily against your attempts to misrepresent them, but then the question becomes why do you seek to misrepresent them and in such a derogatory way?. What do you gain from misrepresenting them and trying to put them down so much? Also your attempts to misrepresent them is very obvious evidence of duplicity. From the dictionary, a “lie”, defined as a deliberate intent to deceive. In fact your whole post is filled with attempts to put them down and misrepresent them all as so bad, so why? Some of what they expose is very good to know and important to know, for example, “a pitch by HBGary to run a dirty tricks campaign against WikiLeaks on behalf of the Bank of America.”
One thing is certain Morpho Devilpepper and that is you are very evidently someone who is willing to use duplicitous misrepresentations of people to get your own way. But then two-faced people like you have a lot to worry about the world becoming a place where your kind can be exposed as duplicitous manipulators and liars. Therefore its no wonder the idea of crooked lying authority figures being exposed as liars would cut you deeply, as liars always fear the truth being exposed. The idea of a world where liars could be increasingly exposed (often by hackers) must scare you deeply. Too bad for you, as you were born in the wrong century. Increasing numbers of people have only just begun to expose the liars of this world. :) … Welcome to the Internet generation. :)
"Each night she wipes every one of her web accounts and deletes every email in her inbox," Forbes reports. "She has no physical hard drive and boots her computer from a microSD card," it adds."
Seriously? This sounds like the breathless "CYBER-HACKING" stories that we heard back in the early Nineties, when people thought that sending someone an email could make your computer explode, when people thought that European teenagers buzzed on sugar water and were stealing people's bank accounts and taking control of nuclear-missile silos.
She "wipes her web accounts"? What does that even *mean*?
"She "wipes her web accounts"? What does that even *mean*?"
Tissue, water, screen. There, all internets gone now daddeh!
Of course the 'web accounts' don't have logs, do they? Oh no and, even if they did, she would 'wipe them'.
It may take a while to deal with the anon crowd but some hard lessons will be learned over the next few months and possibly years.
"Kayla is a troll who bought my old msn i used for irc from mike virus and started pretending she was me. She did it so often that she wound up on my ED page for trolling some admins on an irc. I don't know the bitch, and have never talked to her in my life. Ironically she's friends with d0ct0r though."
her being a girl. In fact I pointed out how I question the young BOY that took down CNN, etc.
And it should be againt the law to hack someones email account, the same as it is with postal mail. If I take someones postal mail I am a criminal. And if I plan out taking people's postal mail that makes me an orgainized criminal.
Just seems weird to me the father knows and doesn't care what the daughter does.
I am not pro government and industry screwing poeple, but I sure am pro privacy.
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