mars needs moms
Looks liek the kids would enjoy that
im sure i will chuckle myself :)
Disney Studios has torpedoed Robert Zemekis's planned 3D remake of Yellow Submarine, according to the Hollywood Reporter. The Back to the Future and Forrest Gump helmsman planned to deploy 16 Beatles tracks and "cutting-edge motion-capture technology" in the re-imagining of the 1968 animation. Budget issues and a canned …
Any chance of remaking it but without any of the gormless tuneless Liverpudlians in it?
Or any of their caterwauling?
A decent plot some actors and a few explosions would be a good idea too.
In fact forget the yellow Submarine let's set it during WW2 make it a U boat and have some proper action in it.
There solved...everybodies happy.
You could call it The Boat 2 or maybe turn it into a western I don't care.
Being a big fan of the original film, you might expect me to hate the very idea of a remake. However, ever since I saw Peter Serafinowicz do an unnervingly accurate Macca impersonation (voice AND mannerisms), and heard he'd been signed up as "Paul" for this project, I thought it might just turn out a bit of fun.
Half-hoping this submarine will refloat...
(mine's the jacket with Jeremy Hillary Boob (PhD) on the back ;-) )
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There seems to be a view the industry that kids today can't cope with films made more than about ten years ago. Even though the Yellow Submarine was very much a product of it's time my five year old son absolutely loves it. If we're talking films that are tied to that era then The Italian Job is a film that he also loves.
I know that the fact that the "re-imagining" (I hate that word) of the latter film was dire by any standards does not mean that a remake of the Yellow Submarine would be equally pants. However I do know that there is a history of remakes being flops when they concentrate heavilly on new technology.
When remaking a film the first question should be: Can we bring anything new to this that will improve the viewing experience without in any way degrading it? If the answer is not an emphatic yes then the project should be canned.
Was a bloody good film in either of its incarnations. If you haven't seen it because it isn't the original and therefore not worth your time, it does prove sometimes a remake can be done without ballsing it up.
Also highly improbable that there will be True Grit 2 or any sort of franchise, given the directors. And the story - which would be obvious if you had seen the original which you probably haven't either.
"As with 'True Grit', why is a remake necessary? The only possible reason is that it can be 'franchised'... "
Too late - the original was already franchised:
As to the remake - not seen it yet but I'd take Jeff Bridges over John Wayne any day.
the start of the just another boy-band that couldn't go live once the producer added the studio as another band member argument.
(George Martin cut his teeth in the BBC Radiophonics workshop which is why the 'drum track' is often things like packing cases and drum cases and odd effects that end up sounding nothing like a kit )