What really gets me...
What really gets me is this...
When the politicians and the government are doing things the general public doesn't agree with there are protests, public action, and (no that I condone it) in extreme cases of public dissatisfaction, assassination attempts.
Where is this kind of outrage by the public towards copyright holders? The only way copyright holders (MPAA/RIAA/ACIG), and even corporations who are trying to excessively lock down and control the public's use of their own devices (Apple/Microsoft/Sony) will ever learn is to find thousands of angry protesters surrounding their offices, waving banners and shouting over PA systems.
These kind of actions against corporations and corporate lobby groups would be an extremely effective tactic, even more so than against governments since the corporations have stock prices to worry about, any kind of public protest against a corporation will cause a sudden drop in their stock price, something CEOs really don't like since it effects their end of year bonuses.
The question is, how long can these corporations last before they are forced to bow to public opinion?