A reply to Gumby.
"If Wikileaks had proof, I would hope that they actually released the documents backing up his claim."
Yes. Agreed. Don't make such claims without proof, Julian. If you have such evidence, lets all see it, then we'll know whether our politicos are indeed all worthless liars or whether you are just a media tart. (See Gumby? I occasionally agree with you on some points...now...lets move on....)
"The fact is that there are articles in the press where the Australian Government was cooperating with the US investigation as well as conducting their own investigation...."
It's in the newspaper so it must be fact? Well, thats a leap. Especially for someone who made the claim not so long ago on a thread about Bradley Manning that if one doesn't have FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE of something that one is not qualified to comment. I trust that these newspapers all have such first hand knowledge and aren't simply regurgitating news collected by other third-party agencies. After all, if they didn't have such first hand experience then we can't really count their opinions.....sorry...news articles, by your standards, as accurate, can we?
"There were even articles in the Australian press where some politico claimed that Aussie troops in Afghanistan were put in harms way because of Wikileaks."
Has this un-named politico presented their evidence, or is this a claim without proof like Assanges too
"The Aussie's PM's response rings true. She probably didn't have knowledge of any information sharing..."
Oh! it SOUNDS right? That's fine then. Must be true. Y'know, old chap, I think Julian SOUNDS right too. Must be true. Again, I think we need people to present evidence, as you suggested, before we make such profound leaps to conclusions.
"That would occur at a much lower pay grade and wouldn't need her approval because there are treaties and agreements about information sharing already in place."
Wow! Your understanding of modern political structures is astounding! (Before you start, I think you ought to know that I work inside government in an....informed...position and I *DO* know how governments function internally). A senior politician not being held accountable for the work of their "lower pay grades" is not an acceptable excuse. They are ultimately held accountable for everything in their purview.
"Also that if he faced the Death Penalty and Assange was in Australia, he wouldn't be extradited. That's true for pretty much most of the world and even in the states the death penalty is going away."
This is true, and again we are agreed. All this nonsense about death penalties being applied is ridiculous. No one wants Assange to become a martyr and provoke world-wide rebellion now, do they?
"So how's his appeal going? He filed it and no response from the Brits?"
Unfortunately, the wheels of justice grind exceedingly slow in the UK. We can but wait.
"I am disappointed in ABC because of their cheap stunt. I wonder who's going to lose access to the PM?"
I'd hope that such an upright government are above petty revenge. After all, we don't see other nations in the west carrying out unfair, unsanctioned and illegal punitive actions against individuals or organisations do....oh....wait....
"You know that things always happens in 3s. 1) Charlie Sheen, 2) Gilbert Gottfreid getting the Axe and now 3) Assange making an Ass of himself."
Didn't have you down as a believe in synchronicity or fate, Gumby.... Also, Charlie Sheen is a person, not a thing or an event (despite what HE might think!)
"Lets face it. If you're going to ambush your own PM, you'd best have relevant dirt and not make a wild arse suggestion that she'd ever be tried on treason."
Yeah, everyone, lets see your cards on the table. Evidence all round please then we can make an informed decision rather than letting rhetoric, appeal to celebrity, politcal opinion and ad hominen attacks determine our viewpoints for us!
"Maybe if the boy hadn't been home schooled he might have learned something."
Ad hominem attack. Ignored because its a weak last line.