what about frremind
Freemind should have been on your list
Opensource and runs on things other than MACS!!!!
Let’s clear up a couple of things to start with. The term mind mapping doesn’t come from a Spooks plot line. It isn’t about poking around in people’s noggins to extract secrets or reconfigure their brain. Nor is it some esoteric practice used solely by intellectuals enjoying the luxury of sitting around and thinking a lot. …
hi , i use mindmaps a lot. xmind is slow. freemind is good but looks a bit shitty. the good thing about it, besides copying mindmanager shortcuts, is the fact that it runs from a stick. That will not help you if the customer doesn't have java on the computer. it also exports to mindjet and xmind so it's another plus.
at the moment i use mindmanager plus catalyst, to be able to reach my maps from any computer.
The Brain - I've been using this one for since 98 (featured in Byte magazine!) and it's pretty good and easy to use. It's come a long way since then in terms of functionality and there are a couple of different versions available from personal to enterprise level, and also cross platform.
I have a gallery of mind mapping and other information management software here: http://www.mind-mapping.org/VicsPicks/category/all-software/
Using the categories drop-down you can select by OS, map type, price, browser-based and other attributes to narrow your search for software.