OK, who upset the skiddies?
I'm betting on there being a high pimple to social kill ratio involved.
WordPress came under massive attack on Thursday, causing disruptions for many of the sites that rely on the webhosting platform to publish their content. “WordPress.com is currently being targeted by a extremely large Distributed Denial of Service attack which is affecting connectivity in some cases,” Sara Rosso, a …
Criminals used to ddos gambling sites demanding ransom - life was simple.
These days of universal fast broadband connections mean throwing a few Gbits around just isn't that hard, people can do it for shits and giggles - like here.
Most likely someone blogged saying x or y was crap and this is retaliation. Until ISPs around the world are forced to control what exits their networks my advice would be to not piss people off, you never know.
Whilst I'm amused to see your autnomic reaction is to assume "skiddies" = Anon, I think you need to switch to decaf and tone down the defensiveness. Even I can't see a reason for Anon to be hitting Wordpress. These are more likely to be bored Chinese skiddies doing criminal acts for fun, rather than bored over-privelleged Western skiddies doing criminal acts due to a misplaced sense of moral outrage.....