Kindly <censor> off.
It's always "for the cheeeldren", and you're obviously supposed to feel bad if you object.
If I was a parent (I'm not) I'd be happy to have the *option* of such a service, but would NOT and DO NOT expect it on by default. Protecting my child would by my concern, not theirs. Nanny off!
O2 (and other carriers) should stick to being the telecoms/data provider, responsible for provision of service, NOT enforcing rules and censorship. By all means provide us with the ABILITY to restrict sites/age related content, but TELL us about it first, and allow us to opt in. Don't force it upon me, or make me opt out.
As a comparison, I don't see my water company forcibly installing new pipes to my house ("part of their service"), for no charge ("all part of our 'added value' service!"), without my consent - and then charging me to remove them after I find they stop me opening my doors etc due to bad layout.
So, O2 - in a nutshell, do not opt me in by default. Do NOT charge me for the priviledge of opting out of a service I never signed up for in the first place (I don't see it anywhere in my t's & c's, and nor do I see Bango (or any other company) involved in the t's & c's - and we now know they'll be mining surfing habits for revenue gain etc). As mentioned, their own site states you'll only get a £2.50 refund ONCE - implying they KNOW their system can/may block you again, resulting in a fee.
I rang O2 C/S earlier, in a less than good mood, and the C/S agent concerned has apparently sent a form to their backoffice team to remove the blocking on my account FoC. This however, may take 48 hours, but I hope will be logged on my account, so that if I am blocked again, I will be able to complain (again).
I am now considering switching provider (possibly even to a more expensive one) who will not adversely interfere with my internet usage. "Fair usage" does not (to my knowledge) involve "sites *we* allow you to see, not sites you might want to see".
I may only pay £20 pcm (£240 p/a) but that's £240 that doesn't involve £1 fiddly payments every so often. I'll gladly spend £240 p/a for a hassle free experience elsewhere. 48 hours - the clock started ticking about 4 hours ago.