"If this is the design for the iPhone 5, could such a grip be a problem?"
Only if you don't hold it right.
Images of the iPad 2 and iPhone 5 faceplates have surfaced online, giving credence to rumours of a front-facing camera and a larger screen, respectively. First off, this image of the iPad 2 case, courtesy of a Chinese iPhone repair shop, appears to reveal the hole for a front-facing camera - one of the many iPad 2 additions …
I really like the idea of a white iPad but think of the 3GS it had a white back not a white front, if this is the case we have a style change coming with the new shape. The new MacBook Pros have a black border and I would have thought the new iPad and iPhone would match?
But who knows?! Not me! But Apple do and we are waiting on the edge of our seats for the big announcements coming this week. I hope Mr Jobs is well enough to present though, always enjoy his Keynotes.
With your "fat fingers," you are not part of the target demographic, and thus, not important enough to listen to.
Oh, and gripping it "that way" won't affect the performance of the device's screen, since it's iMultiTouch, and we ban all apps that have buttons next to the border to prevent idiot users who "hold it the wrong way" from harming themselves.
I can see why they call it the rumour "mill" since its one big circle jerk. The external links in this article both point to the same Chinese rumour site which gives no information as to the origin of the photos at all, and has one link ... to yet another rumour site (OK, the WSJ, but it's still unsubstantiated "insider gossip").
Wake me up when the rumours have a trail back to a primary source - even a page saying "this file has been removed due to copyright restrictions" would be more convincing than links to rumour sites which link to other rumour sites.
I'm assuming the pictures here are in fact mock-ups made by bored Apple fanboys with access to laser cutting equipment. Anyone with an hour to spare and $1,000 of equipment could do this.
If you zoom into the iPhone photos and have a cursory glance you can see repeating artefacts - dust speckles and highlights on the cellophane wrapper (specifically towards the 'button' end of the screen aperture). Clear evidence of Photoshop's 'rubber stamp' cloning tool.
It might actually be evidence that something has been taken out. Perhaps a label identifying the 'leaker', but nevertheless it's definitely been 'shopped so should be taken with a pinch of salt.
I sometimes experience that with my HTC EVO 4G. But, it usually is limited to single-step actions depending on what widget my finger or webbed areas touch the screen. However, the EVO 4G (and, as of now, a newer model of HTC phone which might be Android or winp7... i can't recall) has a kickstand. I tend to flip it out and use it as an anchor between my midle and ring figner of my right hand. It offers a more reassuring grip on my phone so i can then use my index and thumb to manipulate the screen with the phone wedged tween my index and middle finger.
I do note however that when i am on the light rail, i see BIG guys (say, 6' tall) using these tiny-assed iPhones. I wonder how unmasculine they might feel wheni whip out my EVO 4G. In bars, friends take my phone from me and press it up to their iPhones and lament that mine is bigger, only to hear me echo "Yeh, mine IS bigger..." Bigger body and bigger glass/display.
Surely by now, Apple has GOT to be in receipt of chafing requests for an upsized but still chic-looking iPhone so bigger men and bigger women who do have bigger pockets or purses can carry it but still type on it. I even ran into a guy last year who said he ditched his iPhone in order to have something slightly easier to handle and to type easier on. This is what Apple gets or going with 95th percentile or whatever ranking they chose. But, if these rumors come to fruition, then Apple will apparently bend to demand. What else with they bend to?
It actually looks to me like the purported iPad face may be white on the underside and therefore black on the outside where the user sees it. If you look around the edge of the bezel and the outer edge, there's a definite hint of black which doesn't look much like a shadow. Front facing camera is pretty much a given and I'd be amazed if it doesn't feature FaceTime, given how much Apple have been plugging it.
But yes, the iPhone one has been pretty much proven fake.
Looking at my iPhone4 i see that the bezel has a hole in it for the camera, but not for the proximity or light sensors, these work through the bezel.
By your (and others reasoning) if the hole shown on the image was for the sensor, then it should be present on current iPads as well. Also, on the current generation iPod Touches, the (face time) camera, is directly opposite the home button, much like it appears to be in this image.
Jesus christ. Is this how far it's gone? That even the possible-maybe faceplate of the new iPhone and iPad makes news?
Enough. Please God, enough! I want to just sleep through the next few months of fevered speculation as to whether the devices do grant God-like powers and can heal cancer.
It's. A. Fucking. Phone. (Or tablet).
Yeah, I'm a geek, I get psyched over geekie stuff. But what's the geek edge here? Fap fap bloody fap.
More overpriced useless toys for some people to go all gooey eyed over.
To those people: Grow up and get a life that is your own and not the product of a cultish megalomaniac.
<Looks over his shoulder to make sure that the minions of Jobs are not listening and poised to kill with a fondle slab>
Or at least retracted from the list rotating on the front page. This one's making a fool out of itself. Let it go to sleep and never wake up again. It won't be missed.
Either that, or change the headline to something like "speculation reaches fever pitch as photoshoppers go wild in the fruit aisles"
Some people do get a bit worked up over a couple of photos. Can't be real cos it's got that bit which I know is not gonna be there cos I know.
I remember when Jobs announced that there would be a stylus on the 1st one and all the fan bois cooed and cheered but then when he revealed he was joking they all felt like cocks and then said they knew it was just a joke. He's not really God you know. It's only a crappy sub HTC phone.