Surely PS3?
We Dare is a new game, for the Wii and PS2 and out later this year, that invites players to use motion-sensing consoles in a rather more adult way than previous titles. Gaming blog Kotaku, who spotted the forthcoming release, reckons it's a sex party in a box, which isn't as far from the truth as one might hope. We Dare …
Sod the games console, go upstairs and shag. Jesus.
I always thought the Wii MP controller in its big rubber sheath looked more like a sex toy than the Move. Especially in black. When I got my black Wii, I almost immediately started referring to it as the Wii Dildo.
Doesn't the Wiimote have a vibe motor too...
"<phew> For a moment there I thought you were suggesting we go upstairs and shag Jesus!! Must alter the res of this monitor - it's blurring out full stops!"
Slightly worse, I nearly misspelled it Jess, which isn't a problem until you consider that the only Jess I know is my cousin.
You know what like the yanks are, you can have as much violence as you want but as soon as ssshhhhh, s...e...x is mentioned they throw a wobbler! Especially as the Wii is very much a kiddies console. I guess it's just electronic Kiss, Cuddle or Torture though. Wow, that sounds bad these days lol
Come on Ubi-soft. You really are being lame here!!!
Why the hell would you run an advertising campaign then stop people doing your advertising for you, for free !!!!
Just because you don't plan on releasing the game in the US is no reason to uni-laterally block US access to seeing the advertisement !!!
Lame, Lame, Pathetic !!!
At first I was thinking that this kind of mild horseplay was a bit daft. If you want a sex party, then have one, for goodness sake, but I suppose I am not in the target group. It will probably be a hit with anxious teenagers who desperately need an excuse to say things like 'insert this long hard object down your pants'.
In my day we had to make our own entertainment. (Spin the bottle, postman's knock, kiss chase, felch the bulldog etc. All non-electronic and requiring only the most simple equipment).
I do think it could be an interesting new trend, and I'd like to see them make a much kinkier version, using the glam rock aesthetic from games like guitar hero, and of course the game should come with a pack of wipes.
I note that the inevitable has occured:
"A new ‘sexy party’ computer game has outraged parents with lurid adult content which they claim will encourage orgies and under-age sex."
Btw, if you view the video on youtube itself rather than embedded there are a selection of increasingly desperate aternative endings. Woo.
Mine's the one with the wiimote in the pocket that's pleased to see you.
...on three levels. First, I'm surprised that family-friendly Nintendo would allow a third party developer to develop something like this for the Wii (although I will concede that they have been letting their hair down slowly over the years - they're nowhere near as squeamish about blood and guts as they used to be); second I'm surprised that it's taken so long for the "party game" genre to finally go "adult" (I guess motion controls were what really got the ball rolling), and finally I'm surprised that something with such saucy marketing has only a PG rating. Please note that I said surprised, not shocked - I've got no problem with a little titillation, but I'd be more embarrassed than titillated playing something like We Dare. As far as "adult" games go, this is one of the most juvenile I've come across.
Who knows, if this game turns out to be a big hit without being too controversial the three console manufacturers will all be scrambling to develop a breathalyser peripheral. I can see it now, "Coming in summer 2012 from Ubisoft: We Drink!"
Paris because she always dares.