Polished Turd
You could sell Apple fanbois a steaming pile of turd fresh out of Steve Jobs arse and they would buy it in their masses!
The Verizon CDMA incarnation of Apple's iPhone 4 suffers from the same dropped-call syndrome as the existing GSM incarnation, according to the venerable American product tester Consumer Reports. As a consequence, Consumer Reports is not putting the Verizon iPhone 4 on its list of recommended smartphones – something that's sure …
People like you who take every opportunity to post useless comments about stuff they personally don't like, in a vain attempt to bolster their own flagging ego. Intelligent and reasoned posts gain respect, this sort of throwaway crap is an embarrassment, whatever product or company it's directed at.
I own several Apple products, including a 3GS, and they (mostly) do what I want them to do, which is what it's all about.They deliver value. But I've not been tempted by an iPhone 4, as it's a nice screen that does the same stuff as before. Which is not enough.
I may go for an iPhone 5 or 6 if it delivers a significant improvement on what I have now. But I'm not so married to Apple's ecosystem to not to evaluate the alternatives.
Android is very good, and will get better, but I do question an ecosystem where the proponent charges $0, betting it can maximise subsequent advertising $$$, while the HW manufacturers are reduced to "me too" offerings.
Android strips away their ability to take the initiative and lead the market, as they're always following whatever Google comes up with on the software side of things, just like all their competitors.
Nokia has got it right by stepping out of this zero sum game. Whether their alliance with Microsoft can deliver an ecosystem that is more compelling than Apple's is another question ...
>Android strips away their ability to take the initiative and lead the market, as they're always following whatever Google comes up with
Some 80 companies are involved in developing Android, not just Google, and almost all the others are the hardware and handset manufacturers you speak of. That's why it has achieved the current position so quickly, Google developers are really good, but not that really good!
Many of the key OHA partners, notably Samsung but also Tosh, LG and a dozen others, also design and manufacture practically all of the iPhone's components. For them its a win either way and they're presumably more than happy to play along with the 'leading brand' game Apple so excels at.
Back OT, one of the few components actually designed by Apple on iPhone4 is the antenna - presumably as some bright spark saw it as part of the core Apple hardware design activity which is enclosures.
> the HW manufacturers are reduced to "me too" offerings.
No, they're not. They're *offered* the opportunity to be such, whilst simultaneously being *offered* the opportunity to do whatever they like with Android. They don't even need Google's permission to take the Android code and do something different.
> Android strips away their ability to take the initiative
Not at all. Anyone can take any initiative; the fact that so many manufacturers currently are not doing so is because they see value in commonality, not because it is forced upon them.
This situation might change. Or it might not.
Hope you like paying 42% more for media subscriptions.
That is what Apple hopes to pin on its own customers.
Of course, it is trying to illegally cause the same high prices through more efficient channels such as Android or even the home web site. But, that would be illegal and Apple lawyers know it.
But, then Apple customers are not very intelligent. So they most likely will never figure that out.
"Hope you like paying 42% more for media subscriptions."
Er, Apple wants to charge a company 30% if Apple generates the subscription. Apple won't take anything for the subscription if it is applied outside of the Apple's ecosystem. Apple would like the price of the subscription within Apple's ecosystem to match any offers outside the ecosystem.
Would you care to explain why this is 42% more?
More rampant anti-Apple trolling from someone who can't be bothered to actually look into it and do the math.
Its closer to 43%.
Company X used to sell a subscription for £1. Now apple force them to make it easier to buy that subscription using apple. But apple want to take 30%. If company X still want to make £1, then they must now charge £1.43. Which is 43% more than before. Why dont _you_ do the maths before you start foaming? Fanboi.
<sigh> ... for a moment assume you earn 100 X's for something you sell. Now assume somebody wants to take a 30% cut of that ... so you are going to lose 30 X's and only take home 70 X's.
Now assume that you are not happy to lose those 30 X's.
How many X's would you have to add onto those 100 X's, such that when 30% is deducted, you are left with 100 X's?
Let's assume it is as simple as 30% more. That would mean that you now charge 130 X's. But ... what's this ... 30% of 130 is ... 39 X's ... so by raising my price by 30%, I am still losing and only getting 91 X's!
But, wait ... if I add on 42 X's and charge 142 X now, then 30% = 42 X's. Hurray ... I still make 100X's even after paying Apple 30% if I raise my overall price by 42%!
QED ...
The sad thing is that it doesn't need to be legal. I'm sure that Apple will be happy to remove that clause if they are forced to, but as they don't need a reason to refuse an app, they can still ban everyone who doesn't comply with that "rule" even if it's not in the T&C anymore. I'm sure there are a couple publishers around who will just choose to not take the chance...
You are a serious douche. No wonder people hate fanbois, its not the iproducts, its the f*cktard attitude of the fanbois themselves. You could rail on any company for one thing or another, but none are perfect, and the religion-like devotion of some of you people is really pitiful. There ya go shmuck =)
Microsoft make phones now do they, or was that a complete nonsequitur to start with?
I, too have never had any problem with Apple products, since I have never owned any.
Actually, that is a lie, I used to have to use Apple Macintoshes, back when they were still called that, and they were a steaming heap, with a clunky user interface, non-standard SCSI implementation, and stupid one-buttonned mouse, so technically I have had problems with Apple products. However, since this article is about phones, that could be considered an irrelevance...
On the topic of phones, however, I'd suggest taking a look at the phones made by HTC, which are a more serious competitor to Apple in the hardware market than Microsoft, who , as I pointed out above, don't actually make phones AFAIK. I, for one, whould rather use a phone which isn't locked down to using proprietary software to transfer files (the crock of shite that is iTunes), but which allows you to mount your phone as an external drive and simply transfer any files you wish, and for which you can obtain software to play any media files you wish without paying tithe to St Jobs.
Oh, and edning with an ad-hominem attack is always stylish, and always strengthens your argument, idiot.*
so its happening again with a slightly uptodate model this is why il never buy apple or any of there products ever there rain of been top spot is sliping down hill because there a damn ripoff to i can get a much better phone cheaper that does the same things. why pay for something just cause its got a half bitton apple on it eh why bother your just paying for the name. think il get a htc or samsung thank you least they work lol
"so its happening again with a slightly uptodate model this is why il never buy apple or any of there products ever there rain of been top spot is sliping down hill because there a damn ripoff to i can get a much better phone cheaper that does the same things." Yeah and u could get some English lessons to. If u want a top end HTC or Samsung on contract it will cost u just as much as an Iphone. If u go for a lower end HTC or Samsung then it wont be as good as an Iphone. You pays your money and you takes your choice....
...the irony of your lamentably poor grasp of the English language:
HTC Desire HD - Free, £25 per month
HTC Desire Z - Free, £25 per month
HTC Desire - Free, £20 per month
Samsung Galaxy S - Free, £25 per month
...and that's from one site and before I even start on the free handsets for WP7.
In my previous post I referred to the Desire HD as being 60% cheaper the the iPhone4 16GB. I was of course typing too fast! What I meant to write is that the Desire HD is 60% OF the price of the cheapest iPhone4 and is therefore about 40% cheaper than the iPhone. That however does not change one iota the rest of my previous post.
I have always taken the cracks about the Jobsian reality warp as examples of barbed humour until I read your post and realised that The Man From Cupertino really can warp reality for a certain type of iPhanboi.
Let us take the OFF-contract price of the cheapest of the iPhone4s at Amazon: £599
Let us further take an example one of the high-end Android phones the Desire HD available OFF-contract from Amazon for: £375
Are you seriously telling me that it is impossible to get a more reasonable deal for a Desire HD ON-contract than for the iPhone4 (16Gb, the cheapest of the two iPhones) ON-contract when the sim-free price difference between them is over 60%? Because if that is true then Apple has a deal with the carriers concerned that the competition authorities ought to be looking at on the grounds of predatory pricing or Apple is taking a hit on their *own* margins that would result in their own shareholders going absolutely berserk. I do not know what Steve has been feeding you boy but just say no, you know it makes sense.
Yep, Apple completely changed the market alright, now you can get a phone that does everything...... except, it seems, maintain a call when held a certain way!!!
It's funny but I always thought it might be a good idea if the PRIMARY function of a phone was to make and receive phonecalls.......
There were smartphones before that - I suffered from having a surplus company XDA for 6 months in 2006. There were tablets before that - I suffered from having to use network test and measurement software that came with a bundled Tosh tablet in 2005.
None of them was even remotely as usable as the iDevices. That is a fact.
By the way I am no fanboy - my iDevices are obtained via skipdiving and run Linux (a 2002 TiBook and a 2004 G4 Mac Mini). However credit where credit due - Apple made both the smartphone and the tablet a mainstream consumer friendly device. It succeeded where Microsoft and Nokia failed miserably for nearly 10 years prior to that.
I'm no iFanboi having owned several 5x-6x win phones before my 3G and 3GS.
Yes there were successful smartphones before the iPhone but no-one but the most rabid anti-fanboi's would deny that Apple have redefined the mp3 player, smartphone and tablet markets. Hate Apple (and part of me hopes they are punished badly by the Market for denying Antennagate) all you want but there is no denying how successful they have been in the last 10 years.
Name one other manufacturer that has managed that.
"[...] Apple have [has] redefined the mp3 player, smartphone and tablet markets"
Marketing something is not the same as redefining a technology. Additionally, products have changed as a post result, not as a precursor.
For example, prior to the iPod, most MP3 players were flash memory based, had better audio quality, removable chargeable batteries, swappable memory, AM/FM transmitters, AM/FM receivers and many other functions. Apple removed all of these features (reintroducing some of them later as "magical") and decimated the market, selling a garbage product in shiny colors. The key was marketing it as "cool" in order to con the people with no technical expertise into buying one. Now everyone duplicates "what works" which is a featureless stripped down music player.
How many phones currently have swappable batteries? Why not? I'd gladly take a phone with a 4 hour battery life that I can just swap a second battery into than deal with an iCrap that I can never change the battery in. Instead of duplicating, phone companies need to go back to the features that Apple cut and prove to the people why they are valuable.
"The iPhone may be an iTurd, but if that's true why would Google, Microsoft, HP/Palm, and RIM be trying so hard to play catch-up?"
It's not a Catch-up...it call competition.
There is a competition in everything now days (longer nails, longest hair, highest jump…..)
I guess the companies want to join the Guinness world of records for better looking Turd.
'New iPhone has same fault as old iPhone'
This is news ? If they fixed the initial issue then that would mean they would have to admit there was a problem, the reality distortion field will not allow this so the new 'magical/wonderful' device is pushed out with the same flaw. This is news ?
@"The Verizon CDMA incarnation of Apple's iPhone 4 suffers from the same dropped-call syndrome"
As the problem had been identified months ago, they could have fixed it by now. Antennagate was over 9 months ago. Its not like they have to totally design a new phone. They just need to fix the case and antenna part of the design.
Or is it they choose not to fix it, because that's like admitting there really was a design flaw in the original iPhone 4 design.
The thing is, the way people have reacted to this new "Verizon CDMA incarnation of Apple's iPhone 4", it strongly implies people did expect this phone "incarnation" to be fixed. Well until they found the same problem with it, but the point is, the widespread exception was that Apple would fix it.
Which shows Apple has failed to consider consumer exceptions. :(
What's more worrying is what this bodes for the iPhone 5. It's suggesting that Job's distortion field is so strong that they may not fix the attenna there either.
There will be a whole bunch of 3GS owners coming off of 2 yr contracts that may be put off Apple if they don't apply a fix in iPhone 5.
...but I'm not sure they CAN fix it that easily; the whole phone is engineered to fit that case with that antenna. I suspect that a re-engineered phone would look very different, involving quite a lot of re-tooling. By the way, I think you may have meant expectations rather than exceptions?
I don't understand what they are supposed to fix - I can't reproduce this 'problem' at all, nor can anyone else I know who has one. People are buying them in ever-increasing numbers, and enjoying them. I'm sure there will be a certain percentage of phones with a reception fault, just as some will have a fault with the screen, accelerometer, etc, but that's par for the course with mass-manufacturing. I had a problem with the accelerometer on an iPhone 3G, took it into the Apple Store, and they swapped it for a new one. Problem solved. I find it hard to believe this reception issue is a design fault when so many people aren't affected by it.
Hear Hear! Of the many people I have come into contact with who use an iPhone4 (myself included) none have had a reception problem due to the antenna design. It seems to me that the logic behind it is sound and I for one would be disappointed if they mucked about with it for the iPhone5. Leave it alone, I buy Apple kit because it 'just works' and I don't want them b*gg*ring around with a product that works this well.
The iPhone4 antenna issue is most definitely real.
Throughout the country, I've used plenty without cases. I have slightly sweaty hands it could be said, and the signal does indeed drop.
The solution for the most part is to use a case.
This problem is definitely very real though, but will vary depending on the size of your hands, how you hold the phone, etc.
In a weak signal area, this is when this issue shows most. I'm Scottish, so I often see the issue when no case is used with the phone. When in London, very rarely have I seen it happen on my phone or others.
They did not dare. That would have been an explicit admission that there was a hardware defect with the original release. I do not believe I have to spell out the reasons why SJ would sooner have gnawed his own leg off than concede *that* particular point.
If you have a product that works and is very popular, you massively hype the follow up product but do something to it that will cause a massive out-cry. Then when you release the NEXT product, the sales will be enormous.
For example:
Windows 98 - very popular - hype up Windows ME - ME crashes often causing outcry - cue XP and huge sales
Windows XP - very popular - hype up Windows Vista - Vista gets bad publicity due to compatibility and performance - cue Windows 7 and huge sales (not as big as XP but still people are moving to it from XP which they didn't do for Vista)
iPhone 3G - very popular - hype up iPhone 4 - iPhone 4 has antenna issues causing outcry - cue iPhone5 and........ ????
sounds like sound (But VERY devious sales tactics)
once again it has given the fingers down to the Lemon 4 GSM and CDMA.
This is a definitive test carried out by engineers with no axe to grind or fruit to polish.
After months and months of getting their nose rubbed in it Jobs and company have been unable to do anything to improve the situation notwithstanding the CDMA signalling protocol is a little more forgiving. Claiming the software was wrong will never fix a mechanical problem.
If Jobs stopped saying/implying he is the best or that Cupertino does quality people might cut him a little slack. The fact is he, and some of his employees, are plain out and out liars which doesn't help build confidence in their products.
Remember what Mr God said? "You simply hold the phone wrong"
In the same way as fanboy/girl would defend their iCrap no matter what, I had absolutely no problem with my first car many years ago. It always worked perfectly, expect the engine wouldn't start form time to time, and turn on the air con would shut down the engine.
Therefore we simply ignore his health status and comment on him as normal.
He is the CEO of a publicly held company and is therefore is subject to the normal constrictions they expect. Everything, except his day-t0-day health is fare game.
You should see of the other web sites, one is even running a guess the DOD competition!
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The Verizon iPhone was CLEARLY redesigned to address the flaws in the AT&T model. Instead of a single [gsm] antenna at the bottom of the phone, it has redundant antennas - one at the bottom, and another at the top. If you hold the phone normally, the second CDMA antenna at the top will not suffer from attenuation.
Apple and fanbois can keep denying the original antenna-gate, but the CDMA redesign is clear admission of guilt.
But I can honestly say I've still not had a single issue witih the i4.
can't help but think things are said out of spite then picked up and spread rather than actually giving it a chance.
On that note - the new Blackberry can have its calls dropped if you hold it in a particular way. No ones mentioned that in any news stories yet... Maybe I can go grab one and test it again. See how people think of that...
But hey...
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Sure doesn't mean there isn't one.
I've seen the antenna issue with my own eyes on a guys phone at work.. 2-3 bars gone with the grip of death. It doesn't necessarily result in a dropped call, depends how strong the signal was to start with. Now he has that rubber monstronsity wrapped round his no longer sleek and stylish phone and can actually use it for the purpose intended.
I have a friend who constantly declares "it's rubbish, I've never had a problem no matter how I hold it". Yawn. He is fortunate to live in a strong signal area, so chances are he's a lucky one (like many others) who won't experience dropped calls because of it.
Open your eyes deniers. The antennagate issue has a 1:1 relationship with that the signal strength was like to begin with. Go drive out to some remote rural area with marginal signal coverage (say 1-2 bars) and try the grip of death, then come back and tell us about this non-existant issue.
Just because it hasn't been a problem for YOU in no way means it isn't a very real problem for others.
I love how the iPhans come out to defend Apple. It's almost as if Apple needs defending. Oh do they howl whey it's pointed out that someone else did "x" first but it took Apple to make it great and all forerunners were garbage. One would think this wasn't an evolutionary process of advances. Sure, the iPhone is pretty good today and although it is starting to show some age in the connection tech it's still useful for many.
Also it isn't like those previous devices were garbage in their day, just less advanced and perhaps not all that enticing - how shocking is that? We all know cars made in 1927 were garbage because most of them have been thrown away, or worse - "customized".
Certainly there were growing pains and everyone got to suffer them including Apple but the iPhans will say Palms, Treos, Blackberrys, R380s, Windows tablets, the lot, were all garbage but... quietly somewhere in the back of their mind they know the Newton was the best thing evar... until the i[Phone,Pad,Pod]. They refute claims that Apple's products are an evolutionary advancement but are instead a revolutionary victory declaring to the market that a PDA/phone need not be priced under $150, you just need to add enough stuff to make it compelling.
CU does tests with machines and shows the results. The signal loss issue is still present, they show it in their video. Bloggers here that assail their credibility just don't believe their eyes or don't take the time to see the video.
The problem isn't unique to iPhone, but it is undoubtedly present in iPhone.
I waited until they brought out the iphone 4 on verizon, simply because I didn't want to go through the switch between carriers and any mess that might have happened porting my number across.
I have tried and tried and tried and I don't have this issue that Consumer reports complains about. I am not in a particularly high signal area, I am on the lower side of a hill with the tower on the other side.
I get 3 bars of signal when on 3G. I even wrapped my hands round the phone and still had 3 bars. I've tried several times and always maintain signal.
It's not like the iphone was a compulsory must have purchase, I would have purchased an android based phone, it was the applications that I needed that happened to be available on the iphone and when I preordered the one in particular that I really wanted was not on Android (the day after I ordered it became available but that's another story).
I am not a fan and I don't hold allegiance with any particular platform, as long as I can do what I want I don't really care.
What I would say though is that if I had an issue that everyone seemed to be complaining about I would have thrown a fit and kicked up hell with my carrier until they replaced it with a different phone from another maker that did have better signal performance and if the carrier wouldn't do it I would switch carriers and pay the termination fee. Let's face it, you can get the value of the ETF back selling the phone online and reduce your losses to a minimum.
Either way I wouldn't keep the phone based on the fact that it was an Apple Iphone and those that choose to keep their phone regardless obviously don't have as serious a problem as they imply or they would get rid of the phone.
At the end of the day all this Anti-Apple, Pro-Apple arguing is childish.
Consumer reports are misguided and biased simply in that all phones suffer from the same issue to some degree. My blackberry storm was by far worse and suffered the death grip just by holding the phone. At least I don't get that with the iphone. Every single phone I have owned and family have owned have suffered from similar issues, my dad used to hold his phone in a case using the clip as a handle because it would lose signal even with the case there and it was just a dumb phone.
Time for all the children to grow up a little bit here and on other forums and blogs and for consumer reports to treat all the phones they review fairly.
The Consumer Reports people did treat the iPhone fairly. They tested it properly instead of relying on one-off anecdotal reports and found, not surprisingly that skin contact with the bare antenna detuned the radio TX/RX subsystem in the phone, reducing its ability to maintain a connection in low signal strength areas and also increasing battery power drain into the bargain. No-one else designing phones or any sort of mobile radio system makes an antenna where the conducting element can be touched or shorted out for this reason. Holding the phone does tend to screen the antenna somewhat but does not detune it the way direct electrical contact does.
The radio engineers at Apple were overriden by the case designers who wanted a Shiny! eyecatch strip of metal around the edge of the case. Even a thin layer of plastic or rubber over the antenna surface to keep fingers off would have prevented this screwup but that wasn't to be.
Prediction: the iPhone 5 and successors will NOT have a bare antenna that can be touched by fingers.
"Holding the phone does tend to screen the antenna somewhat but does not detune it the way direct electrical contact does."
Anyone who knows anything about antennas knows this to be the case. And that includes those working for Apple. You can not be dumb enough to not know that.
But, the designers won out. And the iPhone fails because of it.
Consumer Reports is correct in pointing out the technical problem. And not including the iPhone on their recommended list. That does not mean it will not work fine for some people. But, it does mean that many people will have problems until they use a case or avoid touching the antenna.
Calls, texts, alarm clock, countdown timer, stopwatch, reminder calendar, around a week battery life, small and light. I'm a happy chap. Though whoever thought the silvered screen face was a good idea needs a ruddy good slap! In bright light I still want to use my phone, I don't need a makeup mirror. Ever.
I do realise the practical needs of others may sometimes be much more, e.g. remote admin of a Level 1 FUBAR situation when away from your network and the PFY is stumped and the boss is having kittens.
However, I suspect that many people need much less phone than they actually want.
The one that keeps me warm and dry, thanks.
That's exacelty why I've been content with my w880i for the last few years... small, light, texts, calls, picture messages and basic web. Job done :)
However it doesn't do the "conversations" type of texting so if I want to check what I sent there's 4 extra seconds to spend navigating to Sent Items. Also skype via wifi would be a nice new feature but neither of these omissions would tempt me to a "smart"/fat phone average 500 quid.
Tempted by those 7" androids though to replace my 1st gen ipod touch, particually if it will do the wifi and skype... just waiting for when those with capacitive screens drop to 150 ish. I see this as a PMP so no need for 3G or indeed any phone functionality
I think most of the bitter windows users on this forum don't realise that exactly the same poor quality signal occurs on almost every smartphone handset on the market I think the register is trying to make a new story where there isn't one, the signal issue occurs on all the other phone I've tested too, this doesn't seem to be mentioned in the article there are no comparatives. The fact that both journalists as well as users are publicly slapping Apple makes me think they're doing something right but as most people who are bitter about apple - can't afford it so act like small children and try to debunk the quality of the work on hearsay and slander which is pretty poor.
The only difference between all the rest and the iPhone is the quality of software and hardware that is being sold. My iPhone 4 will cost me nothing when I upgrade next month, Because my iPhone 3 is still worth so much money. I've tried using the HTC, nokia and samsung alternative and I found that the software can be quite laggy, the hardware feels cheap and nasty and the overall experience is not good. The apple product in terms of quality is undeniably superior at the end of the day you get what you pay for, if you want a free phone, expect crap.
I don't know what all the fuss is about, the only place I don't get reception on the iphone 4 is in the basement in M&S - just like all the other phones i previously had.
Every smartphone has the same 'death-grip' functionality.
Who are consumer reports anyway? I've never heard of them before this...
As anandtech proved that apples antenna design is a two edge sword. You get better reception in bad areas because the antenna is exposed, but it's also easier to obstruct.
I own an iphone and it's the glass that pisses me off not the antenna. The fact that I spent 300 bucks and have to buy a case so it doesn't break or scratch is BS. I love the iphone, but its the materials that they built it out of that sucks. Its too bad I really like the app ecosystem too much to make a switch.
I have seen the new iphone get reception where the 3g couldn't, the fact you need a case so you can call at those locations is trivial. A case is a lot cheaper than a network extender.
Yeah, Apple is garbage, yeah why ?, coz someone said fanboy, yeah, iturd LOL, isheep LOL, itard LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL... yeah.
Yeah, Android sux, yeah why ?, coz someone said fanbois, yeah, droidtard LOL, sheepdroid LOL, fandroid LOL LOL LOL.
All pathetic.
Like what you like, don't dis others for making a choice you don't agree with coz its not hurting you is it ??. Maybe grow up.
I have both an iPhone 4 and a Blackberry Bold. One is able to maintain a call from my home to the office without a drop and the battery lasts days.... the other is my iPhone. After 4 months of call quality problems i finally got my iPhone replaced last week and the 'genius' in store said and i quote 'i wont gaurantee that this new phone will be as good as any other phone on the market for reception'. lmao.
Except those are two sides of the same coin. I get bored of Apple fans[*] moaning at people who dare to use other products such as Nokia, Blackberry or those running Android (or those using Windows on netbooks/laptops/desktops). Just look at the fan who got let loose on the Register's front page with the "stink of failure" insult. (If "stink of failure" means consistently being the market leader, that's pretty good I'd say.)
[*] Yes I use the correct word. "boi" has connotations in some gay/trans scenes of androgany, but I fail to see why either that has anything to do with phones, or is a bad thing.