@Pirate Dave
I know you're being deliberately obtuse, but to clear up, the 2GB disc is to cover *all* flavours of *both* products regardless of state. So for Win 7, that disc covers all 6 versions, in both 32 and 64-bit versions - 11 in total (as "Starter" only comes in 32-bit)..
It also rolls up every change that's been issued for both platforms. An up-to-date system will probably need no more than 80MB in updates. But from a support person's perspective, they want a disc that covers all varieties.
As for it being a turd in need of heavy polishing, no OS is ever finished. I'm sure if you baselined a Linux release 18 months ago and combined all the patches since then for all hardware types, you'd get a 2GB image too.
So if you could kindly take your stick and stir it somewhere else, or put it back where it came from, we'll all be happier campers I'm sure...