Does anybody know of a similar stand that would fit an ipad when it is in the Apple case?
Griffin’s latest iPad and iPhone accessory is recognition that, far from being hidden out of view in home offices and studies, owners of Apple gadgets like to show them off. You see, the Griffin PowerDock Dual has two Dock connectors, designed to charge an iPad and an iPhone or iPod simultaneously and the two objects of iEnvy …
Or are you just jealous that some people have different tastes to yours?
Why the hell should anyone be ashamed of owning a device that's well-designed, has sold very well, and does exactly what it says on the tin?
Apple have never, ever, claimed that their iDevices are Open® in the FOSS sense, so I don't hold that against them. It's certainly a more honest approach than Google, who dismiss Apple's "proprietary" features with one hand, while actively supporting Flash with the other. Hypocrites, much?
or AC was thinking that someone with one of these docks will be the sort of foaming at the mouth uberfanboi that rails on and on about why Apple devices are fantastic at the drop of a hat. I mean really, where does all this anger come from? Chill out! Now, let's play the quote game:
Got a problem with success, have you?
How is owning an iDevice a symbol of success? It's just a symbol of owning an iDevice. I've seen everyone from pikeys to department heads using them.
Why the hell should anyone be ashamed of owning a device that's well-designed, has sold very well, and does exactly what it says on the tin?
Well only if you wrap an elastic band around it or visit a site that doesn't have any flash components.
Apple have never, ever, claimed that their iDevices are Open® in the FOSS sense, so I don't hold that against them. It's certainly a more honest approach than Google, who dismiss Apple's "proprietary" features with one hand, while actively supporting Flash with the other. Hypocrites, much?
How does that even enter into the argument here? But since you asked, Flash may not be FOSS open, but a lot of the interweb runs on it, so if you make a browsing device, I suppose supporting said medium is a good idea. Besides, he's the saviour of the universe!
Aaaanyway, why the ranty mc ranty ranting? So AC doesn't like Apple products...are you just jealous that some people have different tastes to yours?
Only moderate success.
Take two very successful people, I won't use names because you should be able to guess who:
Richest man in the world: Probably uses an HTC or something, certainly _not_ an iProduct.
"Most Powerful Man In The World": Blackberry addict, probably now using a specialist decide with even harder encryption.
Originator of one of the biggest OSs out there: Loves Google phones, apparently. But, then, he's biased because some of his code might be in there.
I know there are counter-examples but I felt like being facetious.
"Why the hell should anyone be ashamed of owning a device that's well-designed, has sold very well, and does exactly what it says on the tin?"
Who says they should hide it away or be ashamed? I think the point is that anyone who wants to *show off* an iPad so badly by having it as part of their key-dish by the front door needs to reassess their life, or indeed, get one.