Better the devil you know?
I'm a Pom by origin, but escaped the country and came to 'straya 7 years ago after a four year layover in La Republique du France. So I suffer mental scarring from the poor customer service and high prices of the privitised telcos of BT and France Telecom (avec l'orange).
Telstra have always followed in their footsteps. Proactively trying to destroy the information economy at the Consumer level by consistently high pricing at rip-off rates. Pricing of course is made up by rich suits in the Melbourne CBD, and mad CEOs who claim we are racist (Adios Amigo! Its because you're American ;-). But to be fair, they have an ageing infrastructure that has suffered from a lack of investment over a country the size of mainland Europe (ish); and have had to roll out the 850MHz NextG network at significant cost.
But you do get what you pay for. I am one of many who, in the CBD of Australia's third largest city (Brisbane) have been suffering at the hands of Vodafone whos crappy network and even worse customer service has been going downhill for the past two years, way before the "Infinate" plans were thought of. Optus/Virgin also have the same issues but have improved slightly.
Luckily after a polite letter or two, and making it known I am a signatory to, I've been released 22 months early from my contract; and I feel very dirty to have the word "Telstra" on my phone, but their wireless network coverage is reliable and acceptable. Hate to say it, but after the Vodafail experience, you do get what you pay for.
POTS-based ADSL is a joke in Australia; overly congested and most exchanges are oversubscribed. Multi-channel delivery of a full Fibre-based NBN and wireless network is the only way to go.
Until of course Senator Conroy (another Pom, from Oxford or somethere) forces through his draconian internet censorship plan and kills off what is left of IT investment in this Great Southern Land ...