Finally I get to block experts-exchange!
Anyone else get tired of their results popping up in search results, or is it just me?
Google has released an experimental Chrome extension that lets you automatically remove individual domains from Google search result pages. The extension is also a way for the company to gather information about undesirable domains as it works to combat so-called webspam. When you block a site, the extension notifies Google, …
While experts exchange isn't generally high on my list of sites to get technical information, many times I have found things there that have allowed me to find the solution, or caused to to think about the problem differently so that I could solve it on my own.
When I am looking for something and they pop up and I don't want them (or any other domain which returns results that don't seem relevant), it is a TRIVIAL process to add them to the query to remove those results from those returned.
I don't find their service valuable enough to subscribe to it, but it is simple enough to press the pagedn key a couple of times scroll down past their screens full of self-serving advertisements to get to the meat at the bottom.
There are, however, lots of other sites that I would be happy to block at all times.
They're original content, as far as I know, and if you click the link in google, they do actually provide the answers for free (at the bottom of the page, as mentioned in previous comments).
I strongly hope Google do not do a global ban based on a few people who don't know how to scroll a browser window, or use "find" on a page.
I'd be happy if like AdBlock I could "subscribe" to various domain blocking lists.
Actually, I probably have an odd use case, but I am using it to block any site that javascripts out my ability to select and copy text from the page.
(I haven't found a chrome extension that guarantees my ability to copy text from a page.)
Yup -- that's the very first thing I thought, too. I've always wanted to be able to tell Google "don't ever show me results from site X" and experts-exchange is the #1 site I've always wanted to be able to block.
And it's funny, there seem to be people just like us all over the Internet who are saying the very same thing.
there's no way at all this could be abused, no way at all, i can't think of even a single way that this could possibly be abused...i can't think of any way at all that allowing users to submit suggestions to remove a site from search results could possibly be abused by people with botnets able to impersonate thousands of users clicking links
keep up the good work google!
Even though I have to admit their SEO work is impressive, I loathe Experts Exchange always having the top spot when I'm running Google marathons trying to figure out just what exactly is wrong with that one domain controller that never behaves as it should.....
Firefox port coming soon?
As much as I love the idea of being able to shit-can certain domains from my search results, I don't like the idea of more information on myself going back to Google in the process.
I sure hope someone is working on a Firefox extension that does the same thing; whoever it is will be almost as big a hero as whoever it is who comes up with an extension that kills those goddamn' little pop-ups that infest YouTube videos.
Experts-exchange has definitely made me want this option for quite some time. There are a few others, but that's one of the most annoying. Although you can occasionally find an answer by scrolling to the bottom of their pages. I think the absolute worst domains are the ones where you click through to their page and the keyword(s) you were searching for is/are nowhere on the page, so you go back, hit the cached version, and still find nothing.
1. Paying Google to go top.
2. Paying 3rd world unfortunates to manually block your competitors.
3. Paying for botnet time to auto-block your competitors.
And do you still have to pay Google if your promoted link would have appeared, before it was blocked?
Looks like the LOIC is going to need extra functionality to handle this in v.2.0.
Google results of searches for:
google: 3,920m.
sex: 1,200m.
apple: 1,160m.
microsoft: 661m.
Nothing suspicious about that at all. Oh no.
Got the link in here anyway, but givemeback my google submits your search with a whole load of -inurl:(kelkoo|bizrate|pixmania........
Now what I want is a plugin that only shows search results that CONTAIN MY FRIGGIN SEARCH TERMS.
I am always looking at the cached version to see "contained on page linking to this page" or some such, and the page google found had NOTHING to do with the search terms I used.
"The extension is also a way for the company to gather information about undesirable domains as it works to combat so-called webspam"
Said it perfectly! Nothing, absolutely nothing Google does is ever in your interest. You start blocking stuff, they will harvest your blocked list and add it to their neat little databases. Now they know what people hate and can adjust their little listings to target you even more perfectly!
ADBlock Plus and FlashBlocker, 95% of the web's utter pointless shite stopped before it can infect my browser.
Google aggrigating my block-list with everyone else's to make the results better may be done because it it in their intrest to do so, but the end result is everyone gets better results. This *IS* in my intrest. That may not be why they are doing it, but my intrests don't change with the modivation of the other party.
Doing the right thing for the wrong reason still has the effect, and that is what I am interested in.
Nice, I would like to see a public api as well for Firefox and other browsers.
I would also add those nice people at softonic to the list of "bad buddies", they usually bundle some useful, but outdated, piece of free (as in beer) software (sometimes also opensource software as well) with their motherfriggin useless toolbars and search enhacers.
I am tired of having to implore aunts and grandmas not to install software taken from Softonic.
I've been using a userscript with Opera for the last couple of years that does this. If I could be arsed to update it to use HTML storage with a pretty UI rather than a hard-wired array in the source for the banned domains, I'd have uploaded it by now.
But Firefox can have extensions added to let it run user javascripts like Opera, so the same could be done on that too. I'm not sure about Chrome or Safari.
I'd be more impressed if it would let me do this as a logged in Google user with whatever browser I chose to use. As in I'd be able to set this is my preferences. But, they won't even let me kill the lame and moronic suggestions that regurgitate back up from the unwashed masses and significantly slow down my searching, so I'm not holding my breath.
I'm sure that Google will say it was an accident when somehow Microsoft is added to every ones list.
I do like the idea - and while experts-exchange may not be the first site it will be on my top three to be added.
Maybe they can add hate rankings - so you let Google know how much you hate it a site.
Dear 'The Register' management,
I admit that in any other circumstance than blacklisting The Register website your threat to' If you block The Register, we will find you and we will kill you. ®' might be deemed slightly excessive. The circumstance envisaged however is very extreme and at least in my own circumstance most unlikely so I feel I can rest easy.
Keep up the good works.