"Losers alliance"?
There's plenty to be concerned about the news - but POV comments like this are nonsense. Nokia are the number one phone company - even if Android did make number one in one single quarter, Nokia are still the largest selling company, and Symbian is still doing very well as a platform.
Now possibily I misinterpret, and it's the opinion that this announcement will lead them to doom. Possibly. Although I suspect that Microsoft have plenty to gain. Nokia ship more phones than anyone else, and I doubt most people give a damn about the OS.
I feel sad that Nokia are supporting Microsoft, rather than open source Symbian and Meego (the latter also being based on Linux). OTOH, why isn't there this level of criticism against the far more closed and walled-garden Apple (who also made a deal with Microsoft once, let's not forget)?
As for the comments - it's been a long trend that people have whinged about Nokia in the comments of geek articles, whilst Nokia have continued to go from strength to strength, as the number one company, with increasing sales. I have concern about this announcement - but the fact that so many people here seem to dislike it suggests to me that actually they may do very well, if the past is anything to go by ;)
I'm also amused at the irony that for years, the Nokia-haters have been saying that Nokia should ditch Symbian. And when they say they will, that's bad too! You can't have it both ways - people like me are sad because we liked what Nokia are doing. But if you didn't, why do you care about them changing direction?
GregC: I think that sums up my feelings too. Despite people loving to bash Nokia, I love my Nokia 5800. And choice in the phone market - Android, Symbian, Maemo/Meego - was a good thing. All of them open source too. Android is okay - but I still feel that having to move to that as my only choice, as a least-worse, is a rather depressing idea. Who knows, maybe they'll do something good with Windows Phone; but I'd rather Nokia were supporting open source operating systems, and Qt.
"too many handsets, too little development of Symbian"
Too many handsets? Why is that a problem? And if you are worried about Symbian development, all the more reason it's good to go elsewhere, right?
"Should have been android "
That would've been bad too. I like Symbian - and moreover, the choice is good. It has things I like that Android doesn't (offline mapping, non-crap battery life, Qt development). Now, if they could have added the best of Symbian to Android, that would be good too I guess. If you think Symbian is so bad, why the concern at losing it?
I agree they should consider HTC etc as the competitors (the media miss this point too, preferring to compare phones on OS rather than manufacturers). But "coalition of losers" is just nonsense.
Jim Coleman: I agree that choice is good. But I think that's also a reason to be sad by this: we already have WP7 phones if we want them; but losing Symbian will be less choice.