I wonder
Just how much more it'd have been worth if it was professionally run.
Facebook is considering allowing its staff to sell up to $1bn of their shares to institutional investors, after the company got slapped with a $60bn valuation. According to All Things Digital, which cites sources close to the situation, Facebook's estimated valuation rocketed another $10bn yesterday. Brokerage Goldman Sachs …
Sorry but what tangible product does Facebook offer?
I mean if a giant metor came down and took out all of Facebook's servers (yeah I know... but just go with it...) What would happen to the world's economy?
And yes, I'm actually one of the few computer literate people who doesn't have a facebook account, nor do I want one.
Once you get caught out with a Ponzi scheme you just create another one with a new name. We had the "new economy" dotcom fiasco which was replaced by a property bubble encouraged by too much liquidity. That went bang so the central banks just printed more money for the next asset bubble.
The GS "special investment opportunity" is probably the AOL moment of the current cycle. What will be the Enron?
its all good and well to have this tool that brings us all together... but.. alas.. how long before people get sick of it or work out that all this private [cough] info is stored for life...
once the party is over - a few players will hang around but the masses will have thinned out.. its real value will be realised. for now.. it's a cool website. It's value seems to be just the number of people with accounts [as opposed to users] - 50 billion.. Go Goldmans... we know we can trust you with this...
60 billion... pass the bong to the next VC...
perhaps in the not too distant future... people with work it all out.. perhaps not BUT Goldmans with fix it just right!
Rather the meatbags who are the "product" and if you have enough eyeballs then people will pay to advertise to them. I mean look at Google, OK, not exactly the same but who would have thought that what started as a search engine would be worth so much now?
Smiley - just for you LOL
I take it most of the people running FaceSlap were laying paralytic on the floor of the local Uni bar back when the 2001 boom/bust came and went like a hurricane of common sense through IT?!
What other possible reason could there be for such a ridiculous situation. A simple messaging and service provider like FB valued at sums exceeding the GDP of small African nations!
Sure, its worth 60 billion. I mean by now there surely have been around 60 billion invested in it.... Just because I spend £50k on an old bangor dropping a big engine in and making it shiney, does not make it worth £50k - its still the same old pile of shit.
Facebook are over valued, they have no real source of income hence all these 'Rounds of funding' that have to occur each year. Its a ponzi scheme. How many rounds of funding did google have? Two. $100k to start with and $25m once they have proven the concept. How many has facefuck had? One a year?