Dudah, dudah, dudahdudah, boooo!
This is funny! All that needs to be said!
An "outraged" mum has recounted how a Wii game based on Channel 4's Countdown blasted SHITHEADS into the innocent face of her wide-eyed sprog. The Sun explains that Victoria Smith and son Oliver were enjoying some Nintendo wordplay in their Hampstead home when the "conundrum" SHAHSITED clicked over to give them an eyeful of …
"Daniel and Victoria from Hampstead were building up their son Oliver's word bank? Something tells me they read the Guardian and listen to Radio 4."
But it was The Sun that they called, they of the Page 3 jubs. I didn't know one could even buy The Sun in Hampstead - I thought this was strictly a Daily Telegraph, Financial Times or Jewish Chronicle area.
The other thing that surprised me was the remarkably sensible responses in the article comments in The Sun.
"But it was The Sun that they called, they of the Page 3 jubs."
Perhaps they'd already tried to sell the story to The Guardian, Observer, Telegraph, Times, Independent, Express, Mail and Mirror, all to no avail.
If the Sun had turned them down, they'd have moved onto the News of the World, the Star, the Sport and possibly even Channel 5 News.
Just like the Bible the English Dictionary contains some entries not suitable for all.
shithead /noun/
/ˈʃit.hed/ n [C] offensive
a stupid, unpleasant and unpopular person
That little shithead has screwed things up again.
(Definition of shithead noun from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
Really can't wait to find the slightest thing wrong with anything today so they can make out it's corrupting the youth and try and get a payout or at least something free. Let's be honest though, 'papers' like the scum really can't wait for story's like this to make as much fuss as possible ofer nothing. I wouldn't be surprised if the kid wasn't even playing the game and they found it and realised they could add the two together!
I suppose that xbox is so little Jimmy can improve his 'athletics abilities and dexterity' on xbox kinect.
Also, mega lols at "being rushed out the room" as if hardcore s&m came on in the middle of Thomas the tank
Let's see, do we rush around making a disproportionate fuss and possibly upsetting the kid (or at least making the event sufficiently memorable that he might use it in the future to press his dumb parents' buttons) or just switch the telly off? Hmm ...
So they rushed young traumatised Oliver out, but left the word on the screen until the Red Top snapper could get there and record the offending word for posterity?
Can any one smell photoshop coming in to play here?
And perhaps a nice little payyout to the money grubbing parents?
Obviously Paris, she has so much experience of working with the game makers, or maybe their namesakes.
If he's "really bright" then his "word bank" will already be fully stocked with far worse insults learned in the playground or the mean streets of Hampstead (hehe).
A lady at work was telling us just the other day how her 4-year old came from school to announce that he now new the word "Motherf**ker".
At least he's starting at the top!
Yep, my 7 year old pulled two choice words out the other day, we had the f-word and she also stated that someone at school was "pissed off". At which point the list of words which she shouldn't use (yet!) was expanded slightly!
I'm sure when we hit the wonderful teen-tantrum years these two quaint little words will seem like beautiful sonnets compared to what to we'll be subjected to! What joy!
Clearly the Wii has developed cognitive reasoning and can now communicate with its organic network components.
Its merely advising them of the position they hold in the hierachy.
Clearly the Wii heard them using the term "word bank" and let its true feelings be known!
If he doesn't know what it means now, after this neat little PR stunt, you can bet his classmates will make sure he knows it and how f**king stupid his parents are for trying to hide it!
You take any typical 8 year old and you get any or all of the following after they discover a rude word:
Mum/Dad what does XYZ mean?
Why can't I say it?
My friend says it all the time! They're Mum doesn't mind!
Is is really rude? How rude?
Is it as bad as ABC?
I heard Mum/Dad/Grandad/Aunt say it last week!
Does it mean such and such?
Agree completely.
My 9 year old daughter has heard just about every swearword that I have, and thinks that "they are just words - what's all the fuss?"
She understands that words have power, and that some words can make people feel bad when used 'against' them.
Sorted. Where's the problem?
If she ever hears something she doesn't understand - she asks me or her mum.
Any child that gets rushed from the room if a naughty word is revealed/overheard is going to have a VERY tough time later in life.
Looking at the photo on the Sun website I'm not surprised the lad's traumatised. His folks have splashed out on a Wii and an Xbox 360 and force the poor little mite to play them through a crappy CRT tele that's not even widescreen!
They should be bloody well locked up, the heartless bastards!
That TV.-set seems to have considerable deflection problems, maybe caused by some slowly failing electrolytic capacitor. If it fails, it's certainly scarier than "sh*thead". (Those parts typically fail fairly spectacularly)
To bad there's no computer game version of Numberwang.
Countdown for Wii is rated PEGI 3. "The content of games given this rating is considered suitable for all age groups. Some violence in a comical context (typically Bugs Bunny or Tom & Jerry cartoon-like forms of violence) is acceptable. The child should not be able to associate the character on the screen with real life characters, they should be totally fantasy. The game should not contain any sounds or pictures that are likely to scare or frighten young children. No bad language should be heard and there should be no scenes containing nudity nor any reference to sexual activity."
Technically, I think if the game didn't SAY OUT LOUD "shitheads", it passes, but in a longer specification there's probably "...or seen written down". Or there ought to be.
But I'm sceptical of the whole story. It's the bloody Sun, it's full of TISH every day.
Why the fuck* did they have to do that? The simplest answer to his question of "What does that word mean mommy?" would have been "It's a naughty word, so it shouldn't really be there. Let's see what the next word is.". It might not be ideal for a kid to know the word but he'll learn far worse and words don't actually cause harm.
*I don't have to swear but am given to understand that it is so shocking children have to be removed from rooms when it occurs so it must be big, hard and clever.
... just like the outraged parents, who were so 'outraged' that they had to leave it onscreen for the 'traumatised' lil' blighter to stand in front of. A bit like the old days of Mary Whitehouse ... ooooh I'm soo offended at that on the telly but don't turn it off in case there's anything else coming up that I might be offended at.
TSORSES (anagram)