Dicking around
All this non-sense dicking around trying to keep up with the Jones of the browser world. There was a time when Firefox was going to right the wrongs of the browsers world - and give us an alternative for the crap the IE was putting out. Now they lost direction and all they can think is how to out-do Chrome (or whatever else) at completely irrelevant features.
Stick with delivering a solid, bug-free, compliant and efficient piece of software and stop trying to 'innovate' for the sake of innovation and to justify your sorry jobs. That's exactly what fat companies like MS keep on doing and shoving on us all sorts of re-inventions of the wheel. That's exactly what Open Source projects *didn't* use to do.
Nobody seems to be placing any priority on or talking about their other projects. How about the tons of bugs lying around for years in Thunderbird and Lightning? How about the crappy CalDAV support in Lighning? How about the pathetic speed on large calendar sets in Lightning? How about ongoing IMAP sync problems in Thunderbird? They have moved core functionality out of Thunderbird into add-ons - so that they can wash their hands of it and offload the work to outside contributors - in order to have more resources for marketing Firefox? Something has gone wrong there.
Fire all the fluffy marketing execs and hire some software developers that give the community something actually useful - instead of press releases. Unless the money Google is providing come with explicit strings attached that it should be used for anything, except useful software for the community which might compete with commercial products.
They are talking about Firefox 6 and moving to 4 releases per year for Firefox - when Thunderbird has struggled to move to even version 3 - and it looks like it is getting left more and more behind.