plenty of money for everyone
...except the employees. For them, it's an endless parade of of empty promises, benefit cuts, salary reductions and additional work. All without overtime, regardless of local labor laws. Or so I hear.
As El Reg reported two weeks ago, Ray Lane, the non-executive chairman of IT giant HP, has shaken up the board of directors ahead of the company's annual shareholder meeting on March 23. And as part of the proxy filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission ahead of that meeting, HP has detailed how much it's paying Leo …
I don't mind those who have an idea and take a gamble making a reasonable amount, but when people are hired by their mates and paid so much more than the people who actually make the product that is sold it is nothing short of hideous.
I wonder what these guys do with all that money - earnt at the golf course doing strenuous exercise I have no doubt?
Amazingly, even with that much money some even continue to fiddle expenses.