2.3 units sold! Wow!
"Android came equally out of nowhere to capture 2.3 per cent of the market with total shipments of 2.3 units, by far the majority of them being Samsung Galaxy Tabs."
I myself have just bought 0.3 of those Galaxy Tabs. I was considering it for a long time, so it falls into two book-keeping years.
(No, they weren't thinking of the Android 2.3 software release, "Gingivitis", or anyway should not have been.)
Also, I bought my Galaxy at Tesco for 0.9 of the typical price. Offer lasts till about 0.3 of the way through February, and, presumably, while stocks last, which I can't think of anything funny for.
(Except that I don't usually pay even that much for my chocolate. Except for that LG candy bar...)
Interestingly, an adult male sock fits it rather well. On the other hand, baby socks for your smaller smartphone do not have VAT added at the rate of 0.2.
Actually that will do: buy it while your stockings last! Hooray!