"Hopefully this isn't a real vulnerability in their site that could allow someone to enter in arbitrary JavaScript or HTML code that could be malicious."
Yeah... hopefully... seems a bit of a weird thing to say.
Facebook's attempts to crowd-source translations of system messages have been abused by French pranksters. The French language equivalent of Report/Block this person (Signaler/bloquer cette personne) offers a strange option for reasons why a surfer might want to have nothing to do with another Facebook member. alt text …
That seemed like a hell of a leap. System allows users to suggest translations of a piece of text. Oh no, the haxors are going to use this to launch some kind of malicious attack on the site..... oh hang about, it's just plain old text.
No one tell this guy that Google allow users to type queries into a text box on their home page. Oh no, SQL injection attacks imminent!
This post has been deleted by its author
There's a reason that nobody from Facebook checks on these things -- that would cost money.
The whole point of Facebook is to keep advertising revenue above hosting costs while the "users" behave as unpaid content creators. Well, that and massaging the Arsehole Zuckerberg's ego.
"En discution instantané, Le petit frère de Dylan Zéroosiix m’a insulter"
Should be:
"En discussion instantanée, le petit frère de Dylan Zéroosiix m'a insulté"
Only 3 mistakes in a line, which these days is largely adequate to access higher education.
He's "earned" billions of dollars and he won't even pay a translator to check this stuff over?
What a tight wad!
This is the only reason you need not to "invest" in Facebook. How much would it possibly cost to translate the site into x languages. Let's come up with a wildly inflated super-liberal figure like £70k.
Now remember that Facebook has *cough* lie *cough* half a billion users and try to remember that some of them appreciate not being patronised with dodgy translations.
Is it worth the 0.014 British pennies per user to do the translations properly? Not if your name is Mark Zuckerberg! He's cheaper than Bill Gates' haircut!
The people who should really take note of this are potential investors in Facebook.
Do they not realise that the quality of the marketing data in Facebook is of the same level of quality as these crowd-sourced translations?
It was previously said that "on the internet, nobody knows you are a dog", but I know two dogs who have their own Facebook accounts, complete with canine profile photos. Even more wierdly, I know two hats which have their own Facebook accounts.
The wisdom of the crowd turns out to be to subvert the system at any available opportunity.
"It is scary that Facebook believes in openness so much that they will let the users control their website without any human oversight from Facebook,"
"Oversight from Facebook" would entail someone who could speak the language in question, which would negate the need for this cost-cutting "crowd-translation" thing and would reduce the torrent of theoretical dollars pouring into Zuckerberk's bank account.