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Thank $DEITY my Android's fixed and I can sign up tonight!
Facebook sank its teeth into more corners of Europe’s consumer market today, with the launch of a new mobile phone feature that it has dubbed ‘Places Deals’. The social network’s latest service tentacle rewards users who are happy to provide information about their whereabouts to Facebook with discounts and other offers. …
Hey all, I've just checked in at Argos and buying a nice 50ins plasma.
2 Days later:
Hey all I've just checked in at Starbucks and enjoying a nice cup of free coffee.
Mr Burglar: hey all I've just checked in at Mr X's house and am nicking their nice new plasma while they enjoy their free coffee at Starbucks.
What ever device it don't work on will be the next phone I'd get. Anything that don't offer this creepy shit gets my thumbs up. People will say if you don't want it then don't use it BUT bet most phones will at some point report where you are anyway even if it don't get posted to your wall or where ever else. oh yeah Facebook opts you in to this by default, infact other people can CHECK YOU IN unless you "opt out" great if don't want this crap NOT.
My non sheep phone might have a crap UI but at least it does warn me (sadly not default) when something wants my location data (its good old symbian :-) ) and its been around for ever and works to my liking.
I'm waiting for the day when I read that due to an increase in home burglaries due to insidious "checking in", personal health, home-owner's, and vehicle insurance premiums will go up 15% to stave off jubiliation drinking, burlaries of opportunity, and car thefts...
Really, people. POST AFTER THE FACT, not in real time. Often, the home that has a rape victim in it is a victim known to the assailant. Home burglaries tend to be carried out by people who know what they are after and after they've cased or surveilled the target home.