back to article Blackadder style chemists transform gold into purest ... purple

Boffins in Utah have achieved a Blackadder-esque scientific feat by turning gold into purest purple. It's hoped that this will lead to a novel means of harvesting solar power. According to a statement issued yesterday by Utah uni Brigham Young, local chemistry prof Richard Watt and students working in his lab came to suspect …


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  1. N2

    Ah ha!

    So that's where all those misplaced 'Postal Gold' packages end up

  2. Gordon Pryra
    Thumb Up

    Lucky gold is so abundant and cheap!!

    Soon we will ALL have amazing purple rocket cars!!

  3. Sir Runcible Spoon


    So, you think there's a market for jewellery that looks like snot do you?

    1. Sir Runcible Spoon


      I'm assuming the down-voter doesn't know his BA :/ otherwise, wtf?

  4. Code Monkey


    On the subject of boffins, on the bench for West Ham last night was one Ruud Boffin. What a tremendous loss for science.

  5. LuMan

    Pricey batteries

    So, we can have gold-powered batteries. Still, with escalating fuel prices, by the time they're perfected they'll probably be cheaper than diesel!!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Gold is cheaper than the REMs used in allot of batterys.

    2. Youngdog
      Thumb Down

      RTFA LuMan (you too G Pyra)

      It's the protein that's the useful bit - the gold was just used to show a reaction had occurred.

      Honestly - as if you could create a battery that runs on purple!

  6. Anonymous Coward

    atents thereafter

    (though there are those who'd argue that his rigorously enforced patents thereafter held it back somewhat). ®

    OC today people might be glad for a return to these limited time patents, rather than the US version of life + whatever they feel like this week legislation that keeps trying to infest the rest of the world legal systems

    1. Steven Knox

      ... and AGAIN

      We have someone who doesn't know the difference between patents and copyrights. For reference, US Patents expire in 20 years or less. (

      US _copyrights_ are the ones that last for way too long.

  7. Eric Crippen

    A great big turnip

    I have a plan so cunning, you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel.

    Prefer 'The Prince, the Porpoise and the Pauper' episode myself. No alchemy, but funnier.

  8. Nigel Brown

    The title is required, and must contain letters and/or digits.

    Baldric, you wouldn't recognize an alternative fuel source if it painted itself purple and danced naked on a harpsicord singing alternative fuel sources are here again.

  9. The Fuzzy Wotnot


    "A nugget of purest green!"

    "Yes but it's not really a nugget is it? It's more of a splat!"

  10. BorkedAgain

    Me, I liked...

    ...the name Brigham Young. Will nobody think of the children?

    (also the mortal hands thing. I read the whole article in a breathlessly-awed-inner-voice...)

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Gold-> Purple

    So now we could turn a Heart of Gold into a purple heart?

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    purple looks great

    .. but how will we get the energy from it back

  13. Anonymous Coward

    Thats nothing...

    I know a man named Prudence who made literally hundreds of tons of gold disappear as if by magic.

    1. starbaby

      The title is required, and must contain letters and/or digits.

      Simply vanished? Like an old oak table...

    2. Anonymous Coward


      Hmmm Prudence... Would that be the same Prudence who redefined socialism as spending other people’s money until it completely ran out?

      1. Goat Jam


        "redefined socialism as spending other people’s money until it completely ran out"

        Sounds more like Wall St to me . . .

        1. Anonymous Coward

          And there's the proof

          that Wall St is in fact a very socialist place!

          Coat? Don't need it, for I'll be here all week.

  14. AlistairJ

    Yeah right

    This will be the same bunch of yank boffins who mistook some fizzy water for cold fusion some years ago.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re Yeah right.

      "This will be the same bunch of yank boffins who mistook some fizzy water for cold fusion some years ago."

      Because that's how science works, right?

      We look at all the other science in the same field and if any is proven to be incorrect we throw the theory out.

      Is your name Alistair J. Baldrick by any chance?

    2. Vic

      Yank Boffins?

      > This will be the same bunch of yank boffins


      Stan Pons is, but Martin Fleischmann is one of us...


  15. Demosthenese


    Mmmm ...Purple ....Aggghhh. - Homer J Simpson.

  16. lawndart



    This article has been up for some four and a half hours (as I type) and not one rant about Lewis being allowed to write a science article, nor any complaints of bias.

    Is this a record?

    1. Elmer Phud

      Oh, all right then

      "Descendant of James Watt in fruity feat"

      Wasn't really 'fruit' -- more of an extract which could have also come from other citrus fruits.

      This is clearly bias towards oranges!

      Where are lemons and limes in this, oranges are not the only fruit!!!

  17. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    Just remember

    You cross the baby eating bishop of Bath & Welles* at your peril

    *Collections officer for the Black Monks of St Herod ("banking with a smile and a stab")

  18. David Haig

    Another option for the 419ers

    Dear Mr Lewis,

    We have 500 tonnes of gold which has been turned purple for the opportunity of exporting it from our country. We require a partner to help us unload the gold and wash it in the special chemical only available in the western isles of europe.

    If you are acceptable, we will transfer the gold by UPS to your location in return for 10% of the value once cleaned. However, we are unable to purchase the appropriate chemicals directly in the west and must ask you to do this for us.

    Please order and pay for 500 litres of special gold cleaning fluid from our specialist supplier - contact details below - They will ship this direct to you at 250euro per litre plus shipping.

    Yours in

    Abo Mac Salient

    Supplier details -


  19. Tom 7

    Not the only way to turn gold purple

    The Purple Plague was a description of the appearance of a silicon chip after gold got near it (in bonding etc) when I did chip work 25 years ago or so.

    An while I'm on the nostalgia trip can anyone explain this:

    25 years ago you could get 10,000 transistors on a chip for $100 and a silicon photovoltaic setup took 25 years to pay for itself.

    Now you can get 20,000,000,000 transistors on a chip for less than $100, electricity is about 5 times the price in real terms and a PV setup takes 25 years to pay for itself.

  20. Ian Bush

    Truely Alchemy

    OK, having a degree in chemistry and being a tedious pedant I had to comment.

    Gold is what is produced by this reaction, not what goes in (Citric acid dissolve gold? Wedding rings wouldn't last long in the kitchen). What is input is AuCl4-, and this is photoreduced to produce gold nanoparticles, the reaction being catalyzed by the protein. And it is the nanoparticles that cause the purple colour.

    So purest purple is actually gold ... Percy didn't stand a chance!

    (Also why is the El Reg spill chucker objecting to "colour")

    1. Falanx

      Re: True Alchemy

      You beat me to it.

      Now, if they'd pointed out a requirement of this experiment was something else, something nasty, further up the china, like aqua regia, just to make the gold chloride complex in the first place...

      Wouldn't seem quite so simple after that, would it?

    2. MarkieMark1

      the El Reg spoolchucker

      well you'll need a degree in computing to understand that the El Reg spoolchucker was subcontracted to <Your Browser> Inc, who in their infinite wisdom have set <Your Preferred Language> settings to US English. Try [Firefox] right-click->Languages-> / [Chrome] right-click->spell-checker options->

      Incidentally, could you notify all your colleagues who it seems are constantly making similar comments re: the 'El Reg spellchecker/spoolchucker', thanks :-)

  21. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    Some amazing physics

    The particles are 5.7 ± 1.6nm

    They are 97x *smaller* than the wavelength of light (c530nm) that is involved.

    It seems something called "Surface plasmon resonance" is involved

    No idea how that works but it is intriguing.

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