TKH11, cover the planet? Read again.
I said I wanted them in orbit, /solar orbit/, like the earth. Maybe I should've added "but that's certainly not on earth, kthx". Not in serious quantities anyway. That's purely from a "where do we get as much as possible energy from without interfering with our climate" standpoint. Conveniently forgetting that just beaming in energy in large enough quantities, nevermind using that energy, is going to cause interference itself. Whoops, another hole in my argument.
Still and all, we need to get up the well to keep on expanding. If not for the space, then for the resources, for the energy, and for something to explore. So we might as well work on that space elevator and how to power it from space. And then figure out how to make use of so much energy without the planet overheating.
Trying to cool down the earth with PV I don't think will work: We haven't changed earth's distance to the sun, and so the problem isn't direct /insolation/ but changes in how much energy gets out again. A cooling problem of sorts. Unless solar spots really have that much influence on insolation variations. In fact, current PV efficiencies mean that most energy isn't converted, but stays around as heat, and also isn't useful for passing to plants to do their thing with, it's going to be heavily dependent on just where on earth you put them whether the side effects will be positive or negative.
On that note, I would like to see how putting solar energy harvesting devices in the desert could be leveraged for side effects. IOW: Put them in the desert, create shade, have green stuff grow there, and so bootstrap a fertile soil. But that really is another note and not primarily about the energy, though it would indubitably be welcome.
As to our climate worsening, I think our sample size is too small as of yet. Back when we had series of hot summers and cold winters and cool summers and warm winters alike. Now we have a series with lots of nasty weather. No idea what the next series will bring. I think we should cut down on the hype and keep our eyes open. Too bad that panicking is the only thing that might get something done in politics, should it be needed.