Brazilian cult condemns USB
So USB is a sign of the devil. Helps explain a lot. So I guess a 3 pin plug is also devilish.
WTF kind of world is this?! By the way, which century are we in again?!
So they want to ban USB. I wish we could just ban cults ... or better still, ban cult leaders.
Let me guess, the leader of this cult is another charismatic attention seeker with a grandiose sense that they talk for god. So they tell others that their words are quite literally the word of god and everyone has to follow what they say. (You can't get much more Narcissistic than someone who claims they speak for god! ... so the charisma isn't really charisma at all, its a warning sign of a deeply two faced manipulative Narcissistic person who also shows strong warning signs of also being Histrionic as they need to be in the centre of attention controlling everyone. So we get a person who combines a Narcissistic Personality Disorder with a Histrionic Personality Disorder. Which is why these lying two faced manipulators are so dangerous to others) … (Therefore is it any wonder the Catholic church for example, is now uncovering the abusive horror of these fake pious two faced people who seek to lead everyone).
Many of the leaders found in every religion conform to this pattern of HPD + NPD behaviour. Its the same pattern of behaviour found in many politicians of all political parties. Religion & politics are after all both sets of beliefs which charismatic attention seekers seek to influence others to follow them (and by getting many people to follow them, that gives the leader money, power & fame (i.e. attention)).
When the is the entire human race going to side line these charismatic attention seeking lying manipulative two faced bastards, who seek to control others for their own gain. That is infinitely more important than this cult decrying a fucking USB symbol!
(As you have probably guessed, I'm an atheist and with very good reason, not least because of the centuries of work & evidence in science (in physics, chemistry & biology etc..) but also because of the centuries of work & repeating evidence found by researchers and philosophers building towards a psychological profiling of certain groups of society which have repeating patterns of behaviour).
Right I'm off to plunge all my plugs under water, to see if they are witchcraft! … for I am the Witch Plug Finder General!
/shakes_head ... and breath.