que all the apple and linux fanboi comments bleating on that it shouldent need any service packs in the first place...
Russian Microsoft employees have pushed the button on Windows 7 service pack 1, by revealing that it is winging its way to computer manufacturers. As spotted by WinRumours, the company's Rusky Windows virtualisation bods confirmed that version 7601.17514.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850 is the final build and it will be in the laps of …
I don't even understand where that is coming from. The way i see it, Apple gets a service pack almost monthly... a patch rollup of a bunch of fixes in a single download (with iTunes, Q@uicktime, and a few other apps outside of the core of the OS function patched separately). Os X gets a major update about every 18 months adding major features where Windows only puts out major versions every 3-4 years, so they have larger hops to account for when someone re-installs. I don't think any reasonable person thinks that's a negative for Microsoft...
As for Linux, rarely is there a day when something is not updated. The lack of good, central controls for that is one thing i don;t like about linux. Yes, there's an app process that handles it all, and makes it simple, but there's no "scheduled roll-outs or predictable system to mold IT policy to.
All software needs patches. Fortunately MS is willing to provide them (sometimes with new/extra features) for free.
I can't say (like some others) that I've had no problems with Win7, but then again, I'm not a normal Win7 "print the pictures and surf the web" user. I'm just glad I can use Eyefinity to mirror my primary desktop to my HDTV and have a second monitor extend my desktop on the side (a feature WinXP couldn't manage, since it had to either extend or clone, no compromises).
Now if I just didn't have to use WinXP Mode to run Civ4....
Really, w7 is a sp for vista. What worthwhile features does w7 have that vista doesn't? (well, I am shooting my own rethorical question in the foot, but he same could be asked for w7 vs XP, depending on what worthwhile is deemed to mean).
I'd hate to be a vista customer having paid for sh!t and having to pay again to get it fixed with w7.
I installed, and played with for a while, the latest Ubuntu and there were something like 200 or so patches, fixes and updates to install. Every Linux distribution I've installed immediately want me to install a whole butt load of updates.
Yeah, Linux is safer and more stable and every-other-frakkin'-thing you can think to say, but it has always required updates of some kind immediately after installation...lots of them I don't give a crap what they are for and don't give a crap what the Lunix Lummocks have to say, an update is and update is and update.
I also am happy with it. It does feel "unfinished" in places (consistency issues across core features, especialyl control panels), and the Win7 backup system still has the same bug as Vista RTM (image backups on HDDs are not recoverable in most cases if they have been overwritten by a later backup or if any permissions on the external HDD change after the backup is made, the boot CD simply doesn't see the backups and will not restore them, its a 3 year old bug, make your image backups on DVD if you care about your OS settings).
Other than that, its damned stable, nice to look at, and only lacks a few features Apple and Linux have (virtual desktops, something like the Apple Finder, Expose, real-time backups, mostly minor features, but I use them all heavily when on Mac/Linux). it is my primary use OS, i mostly use OS X for video and photo editing, and Linux for simlpe servers.
That said, i skipped Ultimate. No real value vs pro. Other (superior) encryption systems cost less to add and I only need one language at a time thanks...
There's still an assortment of idiocies and "where'd they put it" with regard to setup and configuration, but the actual use of the OS has been decidedly not-crap, especially for a point-zero release. I can count the number of reboots needed in the past to resolve brokenness on one hand.
And it still runs Diablo properly.
I don't really count it as a point-zero release. It's more like Vista 1.5 with the name changed. People who bought Vista before the magic date for free upgrades to win7 got stiffed (again) when they had to pay the same price as XP users to upgrade to the working version.
.........I have installed it on two laptops, one conventional office pc and the HTPC I built for our living room. No issues at all even though one of the portables was already 2 1/2 years old (3 from launch) when W7 came out. Good, robust OS that has not given us here at Arctic Fox Hall any problems at all.
... and it 'shouldent' need any service packs in the first place...
There, see, I did it Anonymous Coward first post type individual and I'm not even a mac fanboi.
I'm a windows user too.
I'm also a Linux user.
Fuck me, I must be schitzo.
Cue Anonymous cowards posting more tedious dated blather about mac v windows v linux that's been said 73132 times before.
It's not what you've got that counts, it's what you do with it - but if you've got ALL of it, man, your just a legend, like me.
You have to love Softies. Every “new” incarnation of Redmond's finest is hailed as the best version...ever...ever.
I was going into a typical big city computer store just before Christmas. Outside was a group of young men, one of them was showing off his latest acquisition. It was a retail copy of Windows 7 Ultimate (the one in the black box) which he was brandishing about as you would a trophy. As I passed I heard one of the others gasp when told the price. I smiled to myself but didn't linger.
Once I concluded my business I left the store to find the group of young men had been whittled down to just two. His face still beaming at his purchase he turned to his friend and said “Windows 8 is gonna rock!”, I nearly dropped my shopping bags on hearing this.
I think this guys statement sums up your typical Softie's mentality. They sneer and laugh at those that use alternative platforms but will obediently spend hundreds of pounds whenever Microsoft says they have to have something new.
People still come to me with the same problems with computers loaded with Windows 7 as they did with Vista and XP. The local computer shop bloke says Windows 7 has not changed a thing as far as the problems he confronts on a daily basis. So what has really changed?
These are the same people that told every man and his dog that there was absolutely nothing wrong with Vista and the world had it's collective head up it's ass. They then quietly replaced Vista with 7 at the earliest opportunity.
Yes I use Linux (as well as Windows XP), but I don't try and fool myself that it's perfect or a drop in replacement for Windows.
If I had paid the Windows 7 asking price I would like to say “I'm ecstatic.....” not simply “I'm quite happy.....”.
Thing is, it's not just the price of the OS but the fact that if you buy Windows 7 and then buy a new computer you can't easily opt out of getting another licence with the computer.
I'd almost advise people not to bother buying a retail box version of Windows, put the money towards a new computer (if the one you have is a few years old).
Of course this is probably the reason why Microsoft produce so many different versions of Windows. So the computer makers can bundle the entry level version and anyone wanting the full Windows experience has to then buy a more expensive version. End result two licences for one machine and more cash than if they had only bought one full edition.
Why can't the edition of Windows be upgraded by running a tool and purchasing an upgrade?
"Why can't the edition of Windows be upgraded by running a tool and purchasing an upgrade?"
That'll be the "Windows anytime upgrade" option in the bottom left hand corner of the software update utility you are looking for. Yup, they even built it in before you asked for it*, uncanny isn't it?
*Luckily for you, otherwise you'd have to go on TV and say that Windows 7 was your idea........
Being highly suspicious of anything that wants to install automatically turn it off, and look what I found waiting to be installed
It's a pre requisite to installing the service pack So what does it do anyone got any idea's, the website don't really help.
What it does is makes sure that a whole bunch of files are updated (including the update service) to versions that are needed for win7 sp1...
The reasons for doing this are most probably to make sure stuff does not get broken when installing the service pack... more importantly; if stuff gets borked by KB976902 then it will just be a few quick fixes to a few dlls etc... Nothing to see, time to move on...
But on the other hand,,, if installing SP1 breaks a whole bunch of windows 7 installs then all hell will break loose...the negative press will be a nightmare...where KB976902 will barely make a blip on el reg...
@ post 1 AC. I think you'll find, our stance is the fact that windows has never worked WITHOUT a service pack. NT4 was SP6a (sp3 before it WORKED), 2000 was sp3 . XP was SP2. 2003 server doesn't count. (came late had sp built in). Vista never worked. and then we have 7. Sorry to bunch it all up but i want to walk over this one quickly.
7 works. I hate to say it but it does. Has loads of drivers, even unsupported hardware only requires a right click update in device manager (windows updates still misses some) sorts them out.
(this from as far as 2000 drivers, for manufacturers that don't exist, or are not even supported by their vendor).
However, lets have fun with a few fanboys:
@doug. Start > All Programs > Microsoft / Windows Update. You'll find you have plenty, especially after a fresh install. duh.
Michael C> the difference between windows updates and mac updates, a mac gets faster afterwards instead of slower. If you aren't aware of the huge corporate infrastructure management applications for linux, you haven't seen the landscape.
But really, Linux and Windows updates are on par except for one point, you get it when it's done on linux, not next tuesday.
Mac updates from install are a joke, Java update, reboot, java update, reboot, repeat 12 times. Last time i install tiger for someone.
And jokes all around for this humorous topic :). Lets see if we can keep the flames alive on this post. (rlly this is just 4 fun, fire back :P )