back to article Interview: Jailbroken iPhones a vector rather than a vulnerability

Earlier this week, Sense of Security hit the headlines advising against the careless use of jailbroken iPhones in corporate environments. The Register speaks to the company’s security consultant Kaan Kivilcim, who presented his findings at the ASIA conference in December, about what the company found. El Reg:In your testing, …


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  1. Turgut Kalfaoglu

    security(Jailbroken iphone) > security(windows)

    After many years in the sector, I still believe the security of a jailbroken iphone is still better than what Windows offers. Therefore, it's Apple FUD when they claim jailbroken phones are a liability.

    1. SImon Hobson Silver badge

      sigh ...

      I don't think they are saying it is a security problem, just a security issue that gets overlooked.

      It needn't be a problem, as long as you are aware of it and deal with it according to your security needs.

      And of course, it's from a vendor with the "here's a problem you didn't think of, but we have the answer" approach. :-/

    2. dave 93

      Android devices...

      ...don't even need to be 'jailbroken' (there must be a better word!), and they really are linux underneath, aren't they?

  2. ed 22

    OH NOES! An EVIL LINUX COMPUTER is on our network!

    Yeah in 90% of the 'corporate' environments no one could install a min factor or even smaller in to the network and set up their own open wireless access point.

    /snark, for those new to the real world.

    1. ArmanX

      Nitpick, here...

      Technically, it's UNIX, not Linux; I believe it's based on BSD? Correct me if I'm wrong (and oh, how I know you will)...

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Say what?

    Blaming the victim again eh? Get over it., do some quality reporting - as in point your finger at the root problem. Because blaming the victim is a psychopathic mentality running cover for psychopaths.

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