Reminds me.....
of a bit of graffiti from years back.
"If Typhoo put the T in Britain, who put the c**t in Scunthorpe".
I'd hang on to those calendars - might be worth a few bob as collectors items in years to come.
Scunthorpe United has apologised to 2,000 fans for rather unfortunately dropping the "S" from the club's name in a personalised 2011 calendar, the Sun reports. According to the paper, the £12.99 calendar "each month shows photos of the Championship club's players as well as prominently displaying the fan's name". Fan Jamie …
.... of a possibly apocryphal story of a link between two tech colleges in Scunthope and Hull - The Huil college proposed a common "branding" of their course with them becoming the North Humberside Institute of Technology or NHIT for short .... and I'll leave the rest as an exercise for the reader!
It's not a spelling error on the calendar as their story says. It's written on the hoarding behind the players at the pitch and the photo has been cropped to focus on the players.
It should have been spotted and the photo cropped in a different way, but on small run calendars these things are easily done.
"...type 'cunthrope'? (sic)"
Well it is only a word, now taken over by feminists happy to use the word 'prick', quite probably because it is derived from the French where as the cunt word is derived from Anglo-Saxon. So now it is that the various Gropecunt Lanes across the country have been renamed:
Similarly with Butts End Lane, and so on. Remember, this is a country in which councils once had executives appointed for the purpose of naming streets. It is only a word dammit, though I am tempted to describe the feminists who fuel the fire by trying to ban it as stupid cunts. As it is I am relying on ISIHAC rules, namely that the word is in the title and can be repeated without losing points.
Ah, happy memories of listening to the Today Program (for our non British readers, this is the flagship morning serious news and comment program on the main BBC radio station). For some reason talk turned to place names with body parts in them. You can see what's coming...
All started well with "Liverpool, Handcross, Liphook..." and then a quite voice said "And there's always Scunthorpe." Half a second's cognitive work and then the sound of muffled laughter and coffee being spat across studio. It took some time for normal service to be resumed.
There's also the Edwina Currie moment, but that's another story.
Do not under any circumstances forget the Austrian town of Fucking:,_Austria
They have a city-sign-thief problem, as I'm sure you can understand. Even better than that, read this:,1518,686305,00.html
Myself I prefer dunkel, but hell bier ist OK, especially if it is brewed in Fucking! ;-)
as a scunny lad born and bred remembering the good old days of newsgroup language filters stopping me from informing all and sundry where i live this comes as no suprise to me.
90 percent of people here are lazy stupid and ignorant. I would guess this was proof read but by the scunny bunny mascot
When I was working in the North West a few years back, I was hauled before my boss to ask why I hadn't posted any cost updates in the last six weeks for a water treatment project I was looking after.
After a quick check of the email system it seems the mail filter for some reason blocked all mention of the town Clitheroe. That one was a tricky job but the guys on that project were all heroes to me.