RE: Fundamental Miscalculations
Hooooboy, this one is a corker just full of delusions of self-grandeur! I'm trying really hard to think that was a fishing piece, maybe it should have sarc tags?
"....Anonymous wished to show massive support...." OK, so out of a population of what, 50 million in the UK alone, how many patsies did you find? A dozen? A few hundred at most? So, less than a fraction of a single percentile of the population. Even being kind and saying we accept only 10% of the UK populance are Web-connected enough to be capable of running the LOIC tool, you're still talking less support than the Monster Raving Loonies, the BNP, or the UK Communist Party (yeah, the latter still exists, apparently!).
"....whereas individuals using LOIC regardless of the risk to themselves is a big deal by anyone's measure...." A big measure of stupidity, more likely.
"....we knew you'd get bored halfwitted and unskilled trainee sysops around the globe muttering about "skiddies"...." So, in your opinion, everyone that disagrees with you is "halfwitted and unskilled"? Then, going on the lack of quality of your LOIC tool, the ego-massaging log messages used, and the calm assumption that all the LOIC patsies understood they would be engaging in an illegal activity (I have already had to give advice to one very upset individual who took the tool on faith from an equally-deluded friend, and is now horrified that someone will be calling her boss because she used a company laptop for your stupidity), and I'm very glad to be in that number, thanks. Your opinion seems to be rather lacking in any regard, tbh. What would really hurt would be if someone said I was stupid enough to be in cahoots with someone like you.
"....Some people will never take action for themselves...." And there is the big self-delusion that is the anchor to all the self-justification sprouted by anarchists - "the public aren't doing what I'm doing because they're too scared to, but they support me and my actions even if they don't say so in public, and what I do is for their good". Newsflash - the majority of the populance think you lot are a bunch of idiots, as shown by the complete lack of public support for your actions.
".....Not that this or anything else about what actually happened, will matter to the Feds, of course." It's still a crime to use a single computer in a denial of service attack. The fact that some of your supporters saw that support wasn't strong enough and then went to zombie nets (yeah, I really believe that was spontaneous - not!) is besides the point, it just adds more criminal charges to the indiviual cases.
You guys should have stuck to kicking cults like the Scientologists, rather than falling for the Cult of Assange.