back to article Mozilla exposes 44,000 passwords

Mozilla inadvertently exposed the passwords of 44,000 inactive accounts, but says there's nothing to worry about. "On December 17th, Mozilla was notified by a security researcher that a partial database of user accounts was mistakenly left on a Mozilla public server," Mozilla's director of …


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  1. gollux


    A sharp asskick all around for such goofery.

  2. M Gale


    Nice relatively easy to crack MD5 hashes? Unsalted perchance?

    Be good to try the resulting plain text passwords on any number of matching user names on any number of other subscription services, wouldn't you say?

  3. Anonymous Coward

    Oh F..k

    I just knew that I should've used a different logon and password on those bank accounts.

  4. Doug Glass

    What's to stop ....

    ... the idiot (or idiots) who did this from doing it again with really, for real, sensitive data? And there are actually miscreants out there that tell me I should trust "the cloud". Yeah right. Today's Moziolla idiot is tomorrows cloud idiot. If that's not the case already.

  5. Maurice Shakeshaft

    At least it appears they were up front and open

    A bit better than some other companies out there....

  6. Anonymous Coward

    I, like Larry, wondered if it was a phishing trip...

    silly sods...

  7. Glenn Charles
    Paris Hilton

    ...that feeling

    I now have Ad-Aware pro on my machine, free. It's a regularly offered special, I had to go to the right sites...and I may have been phished. What a thought (however, as I said, it's a regular year-end special for subscribers


  8. Framitz

    Well that's fine . . .

    Fine except for the probably thousands of accounts that use the same name and password EVERYWHERE.

    1. Michael 77
      Thumb Up

      Same here


      The dumb-asses!

      "Oh, they're only old passwords ..." indeed!

  9. prathlev

    Relax guys...

    Even though weaknesses have been found in MD5 it doesn't mean that Joe Blow can feasibly extract the plaintext password from the hashes that were inadverently posted.

    If you think you can, please tell me what plaintext I used for this hash: "0f0d334af847f44e9611204ed72275d0". I'll even tell you it's 14 characters plain english, no funny capitalization.

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