Thanks for the entertaining 2010!
Happy crimbo, etc
Well, that's your lot this side of Christmas. The Register is taking its festive break as of about now. We'll be back next week, with full service being restored sometime after Boxing Day. In the meantime, we wish you all the best and hope you enjoy the festive period to the full, however you're spending it.®
xmas telly has been crap since the rise of Sky TV and since films come to DVD 6 months after the cinima release...
no more movie premiers that there is a good chance you havent seen... they make xmas specials of programs that they no longer make instead of the current programmes...
But most of all, it went down the pan after Eric Morcombe switched over to the other side !!!
Happy humbug... !!
(joke alert, coz cristmas tv is one)
Is El Reg affiliated with BAA? What kind of service is this? The slightest excuse and service drops to zero! Admittedly, it rarely rises above that level even at the best of times! I bet Mr. Haines hasn't sacrificed his annual bonus and is at this moment quaffing booze down some disreputable foreign bar! Bah, humbug!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and more stuff and nonsense in 2011!
I've probably written more comments that are moaning about stuff than ones that aren't moans but thanks for another year of El Reg! One of the first websites I visit each day. For info, my football (soccer) team, news, then El Reg.
Here's to another tech filled year in 2011, maybe this is the year that everyone else realises that us techies really actually do run the universe and should be recompensed accordingly.
Failing that, a couple of thank-yous would be good.
In this side of the world we have a sunny day and summer vacations coming up, so instead of falling sleep in front of the TV, we can fall sleep in a hammock.
Anyway, a really big thanks for a year of great articles and inspiring events.
Looking forward to a 2011 PARIS.
(that is a COLD beer)
Thanks for another year's worth of entertainment and thought-provocation. Season's greetings to the Reg staff and regulars; looking forward to being distracted from work by you again next year...
Here's a virtual pint of sherry to help along the turkey-burps and snores...
...and yes, I'm casting my eye over RadioTimes. Really, it's enough to push anyone to consider "downloads". Let's try it backwards - five has three hours of "Greatest Christmas adverts", Four has an hour long update on kids born on Christmas day, ITV1 has Poirot's "Murder on the Orient Express", BBC2 has Blackadder and then Christmas swing music, BBC1 has The Royle Family. Don't even ask about the other freeview channels (Bridget Jones, Holiday on the buses, Carry on screaming...). <sigh>
PS: It is even worse trying to find something new to watch now that British broadcasting seems to have redefined "Premiere" to mean "first showing on this channel".
Well I was going to wish you a Happy Christmas, but you lot fell asleep before I had the chance (some of us had to work Christmas Eve). You didn't even stay awake long enough to put up the pretty snowy banner.
Bah! Humbug!
So now you're back, from outer space... Oh, wrong song.
Oh well...
Happy New Year anyway.