Have none of these crazy boffins seen the film Aliens versus Predators? They meddle with forces they just can't understand.
International boffins have created an enormous particle detector by instrumenting up a kilometre-on-a-side cube of the utterly pure and transparent ice found thousands of metres beneath the surface at the South Pole. Sensibly enough the boffins left the giant ice cube in place rather than trying to move it to somewhere more …
Allow me then....
Bring me another fleet of those C-130 from Scotland with *ahem* a very special type of cargo. And a couple dozen glass factories from (where? Venice?).
Would that qualify for the Guiness Records as "largest scotch whisky on the rocks"?
How about that: instead of the largest scotch on the rocks... Scotland on the rocks....?
Yes, mine is the thicker one, with a 4.8MW drill in the pocket.
In this location, the ice is exceptionally clear and also very uniform. There is almost no silt deposition there, not surprisingly; it's surely much purer ice than exists in Greenland since there's nowhere much to bring silt from.
They are using the ice about 1000m deep because air bubbles are compressed out at that depth and the ice allows an unparalleled mass-observation device.
This ice is not particularly pure. It contains a little air, just the rest of Antarctica. Ice looks white because air bubbles scatter the light. This scattering is inconvenient in a particle detector. Did you notice that they drilled down 2km to install detectors in 1km ice cube? The extra km of ice on top provides enough pressure to crush air bubbles out of existence and dissolve them in the ice.
The neutrino detector is real but its real intent is not as a research tool.
We have long suspected any significant daemonic incursion into our realm is oft preceded by significant neutrino discharge from the tainted locus. A detector this size will help warn us early and thus allow us to mobilise in time to meet the incoming threat before it establishes a significant foothold.
It is hoped that any cult summons of any significant power from beyond will be detected and dealt with swiftly anywhere upon the globe.
The reason the detector has been deployed to the Antartic, aside that of the site giving an unprecented view of the world from the south pole, is also that of it being so conveniently close in proximity to the Antartic subglacial lakes, long suspected of harbouring, and being a reservoir of taint
And... I would be saying too much, but not all we have been burying in ice down there has been detector gear....
There is a war... there has always been a war... Only it's been quite hidden for many many years.
I see someone else was already reminded of Lovecraft's "At the Mountains of Madness" by hearing of drilling beneath the Antarctic ice. But given the other techniques used to build neutrino detectors, one must applaud the ingenuity of scientists who are using a larger one ready-made by nature.
for that link; it was an interesting piece of opinion on English usage.
Unfortunately, I think the underlying point of that piece actually undermines your comment. The point was that a noun should be treated as singular or plural on the basis of its etymology, but on the basis of its usage.
If Lewis had said "The first data _point_ was collected...", we would not argue that the subject was singular. If he had said "The first data _points_ were collected...", again there would be no discrepancy. It's solely the reliance on the ambiguous term "data" which causes the question.
In the case of the article, Lewis was speaking of data collected "in 2002". Without further clarification, it is reasonable to guess that this would consist of many points of data, likely collected in two or more discrete sets. That would, in my opinion, easily justify the plural. However, he could have been talking only about the very first point or set, which would imply a singular usage. So it comes down to interpretation.
In the end, we must accept that our language is a hodgepodge, a melange or salmagundi, if you will, of many languages and influences, and writers are continually changing the meaning and structure of the language (inkyfool referred to Shakespeare -- we consider him a genius, but if his writing were judged by the prevailing grammar of his day, he'd be graded a failure.) In my lifetime, I've seen words such as "gay' and "impotent" completely redefined, and rules for punctuation have changed in several ways.
So any attempt a definitive statement of English grammar is, as I have alluded to twice above, no more than an opinion.
How do you define a unit of data? A bit? A byte? A word? Anything over that, anything useful, will require multiples. Implying a plural. Wiki is full of data. Googler is even fuller. And as I'm downloading, data is being hurled across the house (except for the unfortunate ones that splatter into the wall and dribble down to leave a sticky gunk on the floor) to be literally sucked out of the air by the computer on my lap, to be rearranged, and spat onto the disc.
It's data. It's all just data. And while I've heard a few people trying "datum", I've never heard "datas". So I figure it's a word like "sheep", one or two billion, it's the same thing.
flying in the Arctic and Antarctic is the game. The USAF (actually the Air National Guard's 109th Airlift Wing, out of Schenectady, New York) maintains the LC-130s for both military and NSF missions to the poles. The rocket packs are real and very much used to help overcome the friction of sledging along the snow/ice. They are working on an eight-bladed composite prop to provide enough thrust during takeoff to exclude the need for the rockets, or at least hold the rockets in reserve for the heavier loads.
Turn out to be both very important and are also one of the many elements of the great web of life and universe.
Just think 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999
to the power of
of the
of the quarks that pass through every cubic millimeter of earth, every second, never hit anything...
And now they have finished their lovely detector.....
100 (which is 99.9... rounded, for simplicity's sake) to the power of "a lot" is significantly more than "a lot".
100^100 is more than 100, 100^9999 is more than 9999, 100^123456789 is more than 123456789. Extend to your fairly pointless post, and this still holds.
So you're saying more quarks interact with the earth than pass through it? Spiffing.
Oh, by the way, this doesn't detect quarks.
And to the best of my knowledge, you don't get many free quarks floating around space.
Ummm no - I only wrote Quarks instead of Neutrinos to see if any of you were paying attention to my magnificent sciense lessun.
In spite of the incalculableness of it all, it's a rather amazing device and thing to be researching.
And just think 10,s of thousands of years from now the geophysioarchiogists will be saying "Ohhhhh darling - what lovely chandeliers - Our conclusions are that the poleanders became extinct from being just too fashionably gay".
"And to the best of my knowledge, you don't get many free quarks floating around space."
<Sigh> not since the good old picoseconds.
Back in the ol' 10^-9 seconds things were different. Back then there weren't none of these fancy new fangled hadrons and leptons and what have you. There was quarks a plenty back then, and a whole mess of gluons too, and it were a darn sight warmer to boot.
I know Hollywood tells us there's a risk of finding deep frozen space aliens down there.
But Hollywood also tells us, via the factual docu-drama movie "2012" that neutrinos are going to change their behaviour pretty soon and start warming things up a bit.
Obviously these scientists have seen the film and are just trying to find a way to save humanity - or at least the best-looking actors - before it's too late.
This is news NOW? (grumble, grumble)
They've been building AMANDA for almost 10 years and have been doing test runs since at least 2003. I was down there then and felt like a kid in a candy store (or as Pterry once put it, like the monkey with the key to the banana plantation) looking at the Beowulf cluster they put together, thousand of miles in the middle of nowhere. Had to do - of all things - a security C&A for the NSF. Long story......
I remember the project manager telling me "somebody is going to get a Nobel out of this".
However, still feel cheated because our flight didn't get to use JATO, as it was mostly empty and they even dumped fuel to top off the South Pole station tanks.
Fond memories ... did help a tiny bit with that, as a student intern - 17 years ago, building dark rooms and measuring photodetector noise and sensitivity characteristics, when DESY Zeuthen created the prototypes of what were eventually to become the Amanda / Icecube detector strings. I still have half a glass sphere (from the older Baikal detectors) at home for use as oversized salad bowl (the Baikal spheres are about 20" diameter, the Icecube ones are smaller, I think 14").
Icecube was a distant dream at the time ...
Great to see this finally become operative, and congratulations to the Ice^3 team !
You guys have bought into the scheme of killing off the cache of the video, like there's something to be gained. Who would bother to pirate it?? With my Satellite feed and others on stinking modem-dialups, I just let the video make it's jerky way to me, and then replay it in order to nicely watch it. But, some butt-munch anal techie decides we don't get to do that, for some extremely STUPID reason. Get wise, and just let the video reside in our cache, so we can view the darn thing. Extremely grumpy at the Register, Ric