My brane is overloading...
When a 386 with 4 Meg of RAM was upgraded to 8 Meg of ram, that was a quantum leap...
Now stock bog shit PC's - and even laptops, and the low spec ones come with 2 or 4 gig of RAM...
And now people in labs REALLY are fucking with atoms, like lining up the electrons AT nearly absolute zero and reading and writing data from them......
Fuck -
Now they have gene sequencers the size of common desk top printers...
This is really incredible.....
I mean it is REALLY incredible.......................
I reckon there will come a day when the humble PC is the size of a sugar cube, with an atomic battery with a life of 1000 years, a full daylight holographic screen, a neural interface and keyboard...
All running on a 6 atom quantum core..... and it will be lightening fast, but quantumly so...
Then in a year or so's time, some other crowd will bring out the first of the series of sub atomic particle PC processors.....
"And this model here sir / madam - uses the new Refractal Fermi Quark Gluon CPU that is 10,000,000,000 times faster than the standard electron CPU.... blah blah blah....... and blah"
And they are only $5.99.
The most disturbing thing about all of this is that I am slowly losing my mind.... I can no longer comprehend anything anymore...
All I understand is that my cheapest bottom $ spec motherboard and CPU, overloads when doing any more than 2 or 3 basic tasks, and a CPU intensive task gets added on - like big file transfers or doing a file search....
And now true atom data processing is happening.... Whoooooo far out.
I guess one of the truly interesting thing with faster than light warp drives is that I only ever saw this one fakt check ever written once, in one article - ever... and the guy said this:
"It will take about 2 seconds of faster than light travel to absolutely fry you with cosmic radiation"
And that was a calculated dose, not a euphamism.
So while all the clever people are working on solutions on how to do it, non of them have factored in that you will die very very very quickly if you do do it....
OK now back to spinning atom PC's.