If Amazon was not beholen to Senator Lieberman's puffery
...all of that could have been avoided.
Security watchers have urged Wikileaks to stop hosting its material with a "bulletproof" Russian ISP believed to primarily cater to, or be controlled by, Russian cyber criminals. Wikileaks.org now points to a mirror of the site, mirror.wikileaks.info, hosted by Webalta, a blackhat ISP linked to a company called Heihachi Ltd, …
and guns don't kill people, people kill people.
Geez. What you forget is that just because you CAN say something, doesn't mean you SHOULD
Note that Wikileaks has not posted information it thinks is significant, but is rather suffering from an unimaginable case of webarrhea. This isn't idealism - it's populism.
Anonymous because there are plenty of nutters out there who might try to DDOS me for saying something nasty about Wikileaks.
after centuries of selectively breeding them for their behaviour. And lock pigs (naturally fairly clean animals) in a stinking pen of soiled mud and then point and call them dirty, so why not force data-providers we don't like to ISPs of dubious reputation and then point it out? It is just human nature!
Wikileaks is currently mirrored on 2174 sites (updated 2010-12-14 22:12 GMT) (from http://wikileaks.ch/mirrors.html).
And there are instructions on it's site on how to set up mirroring so that it can be updated - not only is the cat out of the bag, the horses bolted and the leaper leapt, but unless wikileaks decides that it's not under assault by the US, and fighting for it's survival - which I doubt will happen anytime soon - it would seem that they are far more interested in carrying out their mission to spread the leaked truth than they are in protecting the organisation that is attacking them.
funny that.
The CIA, NSA, Magij-12, Chuck Bartowski or Division have placed the wikileaks mirror on the site of dubious reputation, but retains control.
The "owner" can then start adding false documents among the released material Documents that it can later prove to be false, thereby proving wikileaks made everything up and it's all be a big hoax.
I wonder how much of this is just because most web host are scared to touch them or take their buisness, who would want to host a site thats subject to such negative things as DDoS attacks and possible political/legal proceedings form the USA.
They have looked at hosting with OVH but OVH wouldnt accept them without legal advice which it seams has been hard to get and even then they have been advised to not touch them (source: http://forum.kimsufi.co.uk/showthread.php?t=889). If you cant get hosting any place but the blackhat ISP's then thats the place your sites going to live.
Who's to know if a particular ISP is or is not inherently serving up malware, are we so naive to rule out the possibility that supply and demand has indeed produced mafia-run ISPs, run as legitimate business fronts but which also generate revenue from malware or their customer's malware?
Whether Wikileaks chose to take take their business there or were driven there is largely irrelevant, it's a pretty big gamble with all that data....then again they may just have picked that ISP to get up the yanks noses.