as our English brethren say, "B*ll*cks!'
I have an external drive unit on my Wii, the WODE. I have the Evo card unit for my DS.
I own *every* game for each system, in the original box and original disc or cartridge.
This way, i do not have to carry around a dozen carts when I'm at the airport or bus station. I do not have to change discs or deal with drive media when playing different games or having drunken friends over for a marathon Super Mario Sluggers session.
The ass-umption that the only (and even primary) use of hardware mods is for piracy is complete BS. Slandering hardware mods solely on informal surveys of the bragging usage of the vocal internet morons and minor children who are the minority of system owners is complete crap.
Projecting one's own criminal tendencies (the unadmitted internal dialog of "I don't have the self control not to steal, or use illegally, so you obviously can't be better than me and resist too") on things like hardware mods, firearms and drugs does not mean that the problem exists for society at large-it just means *you* shouldn't have the adult freedoms and responsibilities of these potentially dangerous things. As Heinlein said (IIRC) ""It's like demanding that grown men live on skim milk because the baby can't have steak."
Until there are some actual, unbiased, properly managed and multiple-source research projects on the actual usage of hardware mods, backed up by a few years of records over many demographics and conducted by multiple research agencies, then there should be NO law nor ANY legal involvement against hardware mods REGARDLESS of what Hollywood's pet presidents, judges and senators want to believe.
Until then, judge me and others *AFTER* I've committed a crime. Not before, not because I could *potentially* commit a crime, but after i've actually done wrong.
It's funny, the same mouthpieces who claim terrorism is only a Republican scare tactic and that airline security is the worst threat to freedom *evar* actually support DMCA and Hollywood suppression of hardware innovation, open standards and even freedom of speech both at home and abroad...the same people who berate America for "forcing it's culture" abroad, actively push for American copyright suppression on all nations of the world. The same folks who insist on forgiving criminals but then wish to punish everyone who hasn't harmed others by making them suffer restrictions on their choices.
If I gotta chose my master, I'll take the one with the marching soldiers in lockstep over the propaganda and thought control puppetmasters anytime. I can see and fight the oppressive soldiers, and not have my family and neighbors programmed to hate me. A police state backed by rifles is more honest an enemy than a thousand hired keyboard warriors feeding the nations' forum boards with their dozen or so multiple accounts following the same script created by the best psychologists, advertising men and social engineers that money can buy.