I've seen the whole video. let me lay it down.
The rejection of the original version of this post has caused me to revise it. I'll hope it is allowed while preserving the full body of the original.
I apologise to the divine moderatrix herself for any offense caused. I naturally submit to her cruel but just authority.
The point of view expressed is my own.
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First I need to describe the mutual circle jerk that is an adjournment debate in the House of Commons.
Essentially a group of "Concerned" MP's sign a petition. Unlike the online ones for mere subjects of the Crown in the UK this can result in getting a debate (with an actual Minister in some cases).Depending on their real POV the minister will either count the minutes till this time wasting ritual (in their POV) is over or hang on every word of every speaker. Roughly 8 assorted mono maniacal [redacted] were in the Chamber and Ed Vaizey himself showed up. Make that 9.
it seems Clare has got some new friends at a "Safer Media Conference" sponsored by the MP for Enfield Southgate (Wikipedia said this is "David Burrow but the [redacted] doing the talking at this point was rather more [redacted]. Google Viz comic characters for details) who probably showed her some [redacted]. In best NoTW she was Shocked & Disgusted at such acts.
She should *also* have been [redacted], as should the [redacted] as possession of [redacted] is an *absolute* crime. You're holding it, you're guilty. Case closed.
After various assorted quotes and a shit storm of statistics which basically show parents are scared shitless of what little Lucy and Jonquil are viewing but know fuck all about how to use parental filters and can't *quite* manage the time/commitment/intelligence to *learn* (or bother to pay someone to do it for them) she explains her Cunning Plan.
She *is* aware there is an estimated 250 million web sites (of course she knows [redacted] about anything else *but* the WWW) and that c12% (30 million) websites are porn.
There are *only* 450 UK landline ISP's and the top 6 control 90% of the market and they turnover £3Bn (Vaizey seems to think this is *profit*, not turnover. Pretty sweet deal if he's right. Not so good otherwise)
And Age Verification works *fine* on Gambling sites using a combination of UK electoral roll and financial data. Imagine that. Gambling sites have access to both your house address details *and* your financial records to make sure you're not little Johnny. Thank you [redacted].
linking these 2 *together* we get *universal* age verification of *all* UK subjects and blocking on a site by site basis.
Perry "You don't need to be Bill Gates to make this a much more effective system"
(But you do have to be a fucking clueless moron to think this will work IMHO)
Exactly *how* and *who* will classify these 250 *million* sites is not actually stated but how difficult could it be (Well at 1 *second* per porn website you can get it done in a bit over 347 days. But the others will take a bit longer)
In her mind (Which seems pretty [redacted]) the 3 problems are.
1)Restricting access to "inappropriate material" is a restriction on freedom of speech. But this is *too* nasty not to restrict (yes she does know about the IWF but they're just *not* THINKING OF THE CHILDREN enough). Yes it is *already* illegal to make, posses, view or distribute [redacted] in the UK (I'd *love* to know if the organizers of that little event got [redacted] on that point). But it's not enough.
2)Too costly and difficult to implement. But Ha Ha its *only* 6 UK companies, 450 at the most.
3)But what *is* porn? Well she says the Obscene Pubs Act is perfectly alright for TV and films.
And of course *every* web site on the planet would go along with the UK definition of porn because hey they like to be helpful.
Various other [redacted] chime in with stuff like "Long term damage to the mind, far worse than the short term harm of under age alcohol or cigarettes." Not that he's actually *seen* an underage alcoholic or what LSD can do to someone whose head is not screwed *very* firmly on.
Again the mixing of regular porn (hard or soft core) with [redacted] porn.
But then Vaizey comes in hard for the government side. I wish.
What Vaizey believes & likes.
The OPA deters people and "Keeps them in boundaries" even if you can't get a conviction on it.
Does not subscribe to the theory that ISP's are "Dumb pipes" but it's not like the Royal Mail opening *every* parcel (or letter) they carry.
That appears to be a logical contradiction. EU law states they *are* common carriers like telephones or post services and the Ministers opinion is worth exactly fuck all. In fact it is *exactly* like them opening every piece of post they carry (or BT listening to *every* phone conversation "Just in case" it might be a drug deal/ransom demand/organising a fight between rival gangs of soccer hooligans.
Someone else pointed out that sending porn through the mail *is* a crime.
Likes mobile phone operators putting in age controls by default and you have to verify your age before they remove them
Likes CEOP and thinks it's worked *so* well he wants to broaden its remit. Warm welcome to "Peter Davis" (who he?) taking over after Jim "Panic Button" Gamble.
Likes the fact that ISP's *can* "Traffic manage" so they know what's going through their systems (and can throttle it) and when he acted as an "honest broker" between them and the "Rights holders"
IE Big Music and Big Film companies they could soon use the new stuff in the Digital Economy (Lord Manderscum's [redacted] ) Act to stop these [redacted] (No he did not say that but you do get the impression that's exactly how this [redacted] thinks)
Applauded Tanya Byrons research which lead to the setting up of the 170 member "UK Council on Child Internet Safety" whatever that is.
Looked forward to "Brokering" a meeting between the major ISP's Ms Perry and any organizations she wanted to invite.
Perry likes all this but asks him to set a timetable for improvement as there is "Universal acceptance of a huge problem"
"Universal" that is amongst about 8 MP's.
No mention was made that this would also in principle leave a complete log of *every* web site visited as the ISP's cross checked your credit details Vs your electoral roll entry (universal registration. The right to vote *guarantees* the right to porn). Not that *anyone* would do that and say sell it onward. Right?
If I were to break into the backstage area at Crufts and smear premium quality dog food on the [redacted] of *every* contestant there I would not witness quite so much mutual [redacted] as this 44 minute session.
She seems to have learned just *enough* to be a major waste of public time and money.
She either can't or won't understand the answer to the question "How difficult can it be" is complicated in detail but briefly put "very fucking complicated indeed."
I image tech support at the Commons dream they could assign [redacted] to "sort out" her IT problems in a very final way.
It's hard to say if he's a [redacted] looking for promotion on the Next Big Moral Panic, a [redacted] who likes the idea of all that data which will *have* to be kept up to date or just a [redacted] who has *no* clue how much this will cost and how easily it will be by-passed.
I've spent enough time listening to these fuckwits. I don't suffer fools gladly and fools with ministerial responsibility make me want to hurl.
While I don't think they are demanding of quite the action the staff at Phorm deserve I think a trawl through their history tabs and a few postings might give a few chuckles.
The Wacqui Jacqui saga and the porn on expenses story still gives me a chuckle or two.
Flames because frankly [redacted].
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