back to article Payback orders for eBay squaddie

A former Army quartermaster has been ordered to pay back £6,000 he made from selling military clobber on eBay. Allan Peet, 41, from Bridgend, used to be a quartermaster for the Parachute Regiment. He had sold items on the auction site including military-issued boots, rucksacks and ration packs, which are not normally available …


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  1. Richard 81

    Not normally available?

    My spare room is stuffed with enough army issue junk to argue otherwise*. Pretty much anywhere with an Army Cadet Force company or two, or local TA regiment, you'll be able to find someone selling it. You won't find much in desert colours though, but regular green DPM is everywhere.

    *Mrs is an ACF instructor.

  2. DrXym

    I love army rations

    Most of it is very edible indeed and lasts for ages.

    1. Tempest

      @ I love army rations

      My favourite snack was Biscuits, Plain - the squad size tins.

      Some camps I stayed at you had better food from ration packs than risking your life with what they jokingly called a 'cook'.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Bacon Burgers

        Although the UN packs were much tastier than the British Army ones.

        1. TeeCee Gold badge

          Re: Bacon Burgers

          Spare a thought for the Yanks then. I remember seeing a piece from a WSJ hack who had been "embedded" with one of the US units in Iraq during the advance to Baghdad.

          He said that despite the lack of desert kit (they were all in greens), body armour, proper boots and that they were using a load of antique gear that broke a lot, morale was Ok until they found that the Brits had such delights in their rations as Chicken Paté. Something of a downer if you're on a diet of MRE's apparently.

          The going rate of exchange ended up as something like one fully-equipped Bradley armoured fighting vehicle to ten boxes of British ration packs......

  3. Lottie

    and depressingly

    the government want to fast track these people into teaching after they leave the forces.

  4. neb

    @Not normally available?

    aye, but the crap that TA & ACF get issued is usually older gear, a tad different to the stuff that is stored and issued at st.athan for the mighty SFSG - 1Para, the Royals and the force protection bods of the RAF Regt (nice helmets on show by those in the jackals on the M4 last sunday BTW!)

    either way Peet's a cock who was caught and just cause everyone else does it don't make it right

    \insert jumping off cliffs analogy here

  5. JaitcH

    £6,628 or 3-months? Cheaper to do the time and get 30% off

    The stuff he allegedly sold, military-issued boots, rucksacks and ration packs, is peanuts to what goes on in the U.S. military.

    There you can get good stuff like laser guide lights (used by drones to target bombs); night vision gear, guns, etc.

    King of dumb to use e-Bay, Craigs List would leave far less of an evidence trail.

    1. Chris Pearson

      this is a title

      but offer far fewer customers.

      As a side note I can get most that stuff he sold just fine from the surplus shop opposite Sandhurst.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    'My BAE frigate came without the advertised weaponry and broke down the first time I sailed it round the block. Would not recommend.'

    1. Cantab
      Black Helicopters


      Are you sure it isn't a certain first-of-class Type 45?

  7. John Tserkezis

    Catch 22.

    You have to fund the parties one way or another.

  8. Charles Smith

    The fool

    If he'd waited a few months he could have flogged the Ark Royal plus assorted Harrier jets. No wait that's Dacam's boys isn't it; I must rerun the search on Ebay.

    No grenades for sale though.

  9. The BigYin


    ...this is the complete lack of information gathering, planning and thought we can expect from an "exemplary soldier" of 23 years service? Jesus wept, are we boned when it all kicks off.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      exemplary soldier

      Just means that he always did what he was told without complaining. Cannon fodder isn't hired for its brains.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Big Brother

    which are not normally available...

    Few years back and I was surfing ebay when I noticed some items which my company supplied to the MOD.

    Instant interest because:

    a. they were associated with a piece of secret equipment we also supplied.

    b. we had an urgent order for more as there were none left in the MoD Stores

    Someone was really not thinking as there was only one place in the country they were kept but also these items were held in a 'secret' store (even though they were not actually secret). Proof that there was a tealeaf working in a secret store gave the MoD investigators a rock solid hard-on.

    Can anyone say 'limited distribution' ? We assume it took all of 30 seconds to work out who it was and escort him into the hands of the police.

  11. richard345


    Isn't HMS Invincible up for sale with a shed load of other stuff on the MOD Auction site. It says it has no engines, though!

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